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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Tyler Childers’ Hilarious Monologue on Types of Fans at His Shows

Tyler Childers is undeniably making waves with his Mule Pull Tour, captivating audiences globally with his stunning stage presence, exceptional band, and mesmerizing vocals. Attending a Childers concert isn’t just a show—it’s an experience that feels almost out-of-body.

Since becoming sober, Childers’ performances have evolved into full visual spectacles. The newfound sobriety, along with increased fame and likely a bigger tour budget, has allowed him to craft elaborate backdrops and visuals. Yet, even with these enhancements, Childers remains the central focus, delivering a sensational concert experience.

While Childers’ music is always the highlight, he has recently been taking moments between songs to engage with the audience. He shares insights about his music and expresses gratitude to fans for spending their hard-earned money on tickets. One particular segment involves Childers humorously noting that, although concert-goers might have nothing in common besides their appreciation for his music, they might still forge lifelong friendships.

“To your left, to your right, in front of you, and behind you, there is at least one person you don’t know, and you have absolutely no idea who they are. And you might possibly have nothing in this world in common with them. Except you both were a little bit interested enough in what was happening today that you came here to watch it. That’s something, that’s a start. That’s what they call an icebreaker.”

He goes on to paint an amusing picture of potential relationships born out of a shared concert experience. These could range from lifelong friends to romantic partners, making great stories to tell future generations.

“It’s just absolutely beautiful. And you’re like, ‘Man, what a lovely time we’ve had here. Remember that time we met at that Tyler Childers show?’ That’d be super cool, wouldn’t it.”

On the flip side, Childers also humorously addresses concert-goers who might not have the best experience—primarily due to their own behavior. He suggests that people who have a terrible time might be those who are overserved, obsessed with their phones, and not truly present in the moment.

“There’s going to be at least two people who walk away from this, and they’re like, ‘You know what? I had an absolutely terrible time at that Tyler Childers show.’ It’s going to happen. I’m telling you, I did the numbers.”

Childers then takes a moment to impersonate these types of fans for comedic relief. He grabs a giant rubber chicken, squeezes it to produce a whining sound, and mocks requests for specific songs.

“Woooooooooo play ‘Oneida!’ ‘Whitehouse Road!'”

He advises fans to avoid being that annoying person, encouraging them to be considerate. This etiquette could open opportunities to make new friends, rather than being remembered as an irritating presence.

Wrapping up his playful segment, Childers turns sincere, thanking everyone for attending and for dedicating their time and resources to spend an evening with him. His playful antics serve as a gentle reminder about enjoying the moment and being mindful of concert etiquette.

In essence, while capturing moments on film is common nowadays, Childers urges his fans to unplug, be present, and relish the live talent before them. His heartfelt appeal and humor make for not just an entertaining concert, but also an enriching and respectful experience for everyone involved.

Source: Particle News