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U.S., Egypt, and Qatar Suggest Israel-Hamas Cease-Fire Bridging Plan

On August 16, the United States, Egypt, and Qatar announced a joint cease-fire proposal directed at both Israel and Hamas. This initiative comes amid ongoing tensions and violence in the region.

Palestinians in Gaza City search for victims following an Israeli strike that killed over 100 people in a school sheltering displaced Palestinians on August 10, according to medical sources. The United States, Egypt, and Qatar are working on a cease-fire framework. Photo by Mahmoud Zaki/UPI

The nations involved described their proposal as a “bridging proposal,” asserting that it aligns with the principles outlined in a plan presented by U.S. President Joe Biden back in May.

The joint statement highlighted that the proposal builds on recent agreements made in the past week and aims to close any remaining gaps to facilitate a swift implementation of the cease-fire deal.

Officials from the three governments plan to reconvene in Cairo next week with the goal of finalizing the agreement. The statement indicated that working teams would continue technical discussions over the following days regarding the specifics of the implementation, particularly in relation to humanitarian provisions and the situation of hostages and detainees.

This cease-fire proposal arrives as Israel remains vigilant to any potential responses from Iran, particularly in light of prior Israeli strikes in Lebanon and Tehran. While the specifics of the U.S.-led plan were not disclosed in the announcement, reports from media outlets connected to Hamas suggest a lukewarm reception to the proposal.

According to Arabic-language news sources, some Hamas leaders expressed dissatisfaction with the deal, claiming it did not conform to an earlier framework they had agreed upon. Nonetheless, Hamas has yet to issue an official statement addressing the proposal.

Similarly, Israel has not issued an immediate official reaction. However, it has previously called for modifications to President Biden’s initial cease-fire framework when it was first introduced.

The ongoing negotiations are complicated by the uncertainty surrounding Iran’s next move, particularly after the deaths of Hamas leaders in Lebanon and Iran at the hands of Israeli strikes. As a result, the Israel Defense Forces remain on high alert as the situation continues to develop.

Source: UPI