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Ukraine’s Kursk Incursion Reveals Its Strategy for Major Offensives
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy confirmed that Kyiv’s troops are engaged in combat within Russian territory, following reports of Ukraine’s advances in Kursk.

  • Ukraine initiated its operation in Kursk on Tuesday but has remained largely reticent about the details of its advance.
  • This contrasts sharply with the earlier counteroffensive in 2023, which was preceded by a promotional video.
  • Despite limited information, Kyiv claims to have secured around 400 square miles of Russian land in just a few days.

As Ukraine intensifies its military efforts this week, it appears that the element of surprise is a key factor in their operations against Kursk.

The Ukrainian government asserts that it has regained nearly 400 square miles of Russian territory within a matter of days, a significant area closely matching the total land occupied by Russian forces since 2024.

Reporting from The New York Times reveals that, in preparation for this audacious incursion, Ukrainian strategists studied successful campaigns from modern history. They found that parties that kept their plans under wraps often prevailed.

This principle seems to have influenced the tactics used in the current offensive. A deputy brigade commander, referred to by The Times as Lt. Col. Artem, disclosed that senior leaders received a mere three days’ notice regarding the planned invasion. In contrast, the foot soldiers were informed only one day before the operation commenced.

In an attempt to mask their military buildup, Ukrainian forces reportedly dispersed their troops and resources throughout local villages while simulating training exercises.

Ukrainian authorities have remained intentionally quiet concerning the offensive, even as reports emerged about their troops advancing deep into Kursk.

Initially, Russian reports suggested that around 40 armored vehicles and 1,000 soldiers entered Kursk, although subsequent assessments indicate that the actual number of Ukrainian troops involved may be considerably larger.

In the wake of the operation, Ukraine has disclosed limited details about its military movements, including the extent of territorial gains. President Zelenskyy acknowledged the attack publicly five days after it began.

This cautious strategy has created uncertainty among observers trying to measure the depth of Ukraine’s advances in Kursk and their broader tactical goals.

This restraint marks a notable difference from last summer’s counteroffensive when Ukrainian forces engaged heavily in the south and reclaimed only around 200 square miles of land.

During that earlier offensive, Kyiv openly communicated its primary aim: to sever Russian supply lines to the eastern front via Crimea. Promotional materials, including a teaser video, were disseminated ahead of the operation, ironically claiming to keep the element of surprise while openly revealing intentions.

Despite withholding specific timings, Kyiv had suggested an impending assault on Russian defenses as early as mid-2022. The delay in launching that counteroffensive led to speculation that it might have been merely a strategic ruse.

Subsequent evaluations indicated that Russian forces likely anticipated Ukraine’s 2023 plans. “The Russians knew where we were going to attack,” President Zelenskyy remarked to the press back in April. “How did they know? I can’t tell you that. History will tell.”

Following the challenges faced during the prior offensive, Ukrainian researchers reportedly re-evaluated their strategies. They have now placed greater emphasis on secrecy in their current operations.

As military actions progress, reports suggest that Russian forces are currently struggling to regroup. Ukrainian troops are being credited with breaking through several defensive lines and have stated they have claimed control of 28 villages in the Kursk region.

Interestingly, during the initial invasion in February 2022, it was also observed that many Russian troops were kept in the dark about the true nature of their deployment, with reports indicating that some tank drivers lacked knowledge of their destination as they approached the border.

As these developments unfold, the broader implications of Ukraine’s surprise assault are yet to be fully realized.

Source: Business Insider