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Ukraine’s Response to Russia Reveals Its Strengths Against Putin’s Weaknesses
Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with senior military officials in the Kremlin during the Ukrainian offensive in Kursk, August 2024.

  • Ukraine is adept at exploiting vulnerabilities in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s leadership.
  • The incursion into Kursk has severely weakened Putin’s portrayal as a staunch defender of Russian security.
  • Observers note that such attacks may diminish public support for Putin.

Vladimir Putin’s authority as Russia’s leader has largely rested on his reputation as a formidable guardian of national security.

However, Ukraine’s bold offensive into Kursk province, which has seen continued advancements, threatens to significantly tarnish that image.

In a televised discussion on the conflict, Putin emphasized the need for military leaders to repel the invasion forces from Russian territory.

Many Russians displaced by the fighting have expressed frustration with the Kremlin, blaming it for failing to protect them and for creating a void of information following the assault.

This is not the first occasion where Ukraine has struck at Putin’s weaknesses, undermining his status as a strongman who ensures the safety of the Russian people.

“The Ukrainian military appears to be acutely aware of the political and symbolic implications of their operations,” remarked Maxim Alyukov, a Russian political expert at the University of Manchester. “They often target emblems of Putin’s authority, rather than just focusing solely on military positions.”
A Ukrainian military vehicle operates near the Russian border during the Kursk incursion in August 2024.

Ukraine’s successful operations serve dual purposes—both military and psychological.

The attacks on the Kerch Strait bridge in 2022 and 2023, which connects Russia to Crimea, highlight this approach.

Ukraine targeted this crucial structure, disrupting traffic and damaging parts of the bridge, which is essential for the transport of Russian military resources to Crimea.

The bridge also stands as a significant symbol of Putin’s power; he personally inaugurated it in 2018, claiming it was a monumental achievement for Russia.

“The bridge’s construction served as a key component in the Kremlin’s narrative of Putin as a capable leader, able to execute grand endeavors,” stated Alyukov. “Thus, Ukraine’s attacks on the bridge not only served military needs but aimed to embarrass Putin and weaken his image domestically.”
A fire on the Kerch bridge at sunrise in the Kerch Strait, Crimea, in 2023.

The Kursk incursion holds similar significance. It not only challenges Putin’s authority but also diverts military resources away from the front lines in Ukraine. The territory captured may also provide leverage in future negotiations.

Other operations have included long-range drone strikes against Russian military bases and gas stations, as well as targeting Putin’s lavish residences around Moscow.

In May, satellite images revealed that Russia relocated air defense systems to secure Putin’s estate at Lake Valdai, north of the capital. A notable drone strike in 2023 even reached the Kremlin, the very center of Putin’s political power.

“Attacks near the Kremlin are purely political and symbolic,” indicated Alyukov. “They pressure the Russian population by demonstrating that the Ukrainian military can reach into the heart of Russia, thereby undermining perceptions of Putin’s absolute control.”

Pro-Ukrainian paramilitary units, such as the Freedom of Russia Legion, have also conducted raids on the Russian side of the border with Ukraine, challenging Putin’s portrayal as the ultimate guardian of Russia.

These groups typically cross into Russian territory, engage with local forces, and swiftly withdraw after seizing temporary control over villages, bringing the reality of the conflict vividly closer to ordinary Russians.

Brian Whitmore, a political analyst focusing on Russia at the University of Texas-Arlington, elaborated on the implications of these strategies in an article for the Atlantic Council.

He noted that Putin’s power relies heavily on projecting an image of strength. “When the top boss appears weak, it creates instability akin to a mafia family’s dynamic,” he explained.

Recent comments from Russian military blogger Vladislav Shurygin highlighted the psychological impact of Ukraine’s tactics. He noted that Ukraine manages to exhaust Russia through continuous, unexpected strikes on critical infrastructure, creating feelings of discontent and disappointment among the populace.

In a regime like Russia’s, where Putin wields significant authority, attacks aimed at undermining his image can be particularly harmful.

After years of increasingly authoritarian governance, many Russians feel detached from political matters. A January survey from the Chicago Council on Public Affairs indicated that numerous citizens view the war in Ukraine merely as a distant event shaped by state propaganda.

Russians have traded increasing amounts of power for a sense of security under Putin. However, strikes like the one in Kursk may disrupt that balance if Ukraine can maintain its offensive pressure.

“The sustainability of this balance will ultimately hinge on the intensity and duration of Ukraine’s assaults and how Russia responds,” concluded Alyukov.

Source: Business Insider