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Understanding Pathway Drives

In the world of “Star Trek,” warp drive technology is crucial for space travel and the United Federation of Planets’ mission. The development of a warp drive is the milestone used by the Federation to deem if a species is ready for first contact. The Federation’s warp technology depends on dilithium crystals, a finite resource vital for controlling the antimatter and matter reactors that power a ship’s warp drive.

In the 32nd century, the pathway drive was developed to reduce the Federation’s reliance on dilithium after the Burn — a cataclysmic event where every warp core in the galaxy exploded when dilithium crystals suddenly became inert.

During the “Star Trek: Discovery” episode “Kobayashi Maru,” Federation President Laira Rillak updates Discovery Captain Michael Burnham on new technologies the Federation is working on. Among these is a prototypical pathway drive. Rillak highlights that despite some hurdles, advancements in the pathway drive prototype were promising. Plans were in place to install it on Voyager for testing, though details on its operation were sparse, leaving many questions unanswered by the end of “Star Trek: Discovery” Season 4.

While “Star Trek” doesn’t dive deep into the science of the pathway drive, Season 5 does show it in action. In the episode “Lagrange Point,” it is revealed that the pathway drive can be installed even on smaller vessels like the shuttlecraft UFP-99 and used alongside warp technology, allowing ships to transition easily between the two drive modes.

In the episode “Life, Itself,” Nhan mentions that the pathway drive needs calibration before use and clarifies that it does not require dilithium to run. However, detailed explanations are still scarce in “Star Trek: Discovery.” With upcoming series like “Star Trek: Starfleet Academy” also set in the 32nd century, there is potential for future explanations about the pathway drive, especially for the new generation of Starfleet cadets.

A Redditor has speculated that pathway drive technology could be linked to an old program mentioned in the Season 3 episode “Unification III.” Admiral Vance discussed an initiative by Ni’Var — previously known as the Vulcans — to address a pre-Burn dilithium shortage. They developed SB-19, a promising alternative propulsion system similar to the spore drive. However, safety concerns led the Federation to insist on its continuation despite Ni’Var’s reservations.

Believing their technology might have caused the Burn, Ni’Var eventually exited the Federation, taking SB-19 with them. Since the true cause of the Burn was different, it’s plausible that the program was later reopened, potentially evolving into the pathway drive technology seen in “Star Trek: Discovery.”

Source: Looper