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US Readies Accusations Against Russia for Election Disinformation Campaigns

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland speaks to federal, state, local and tribal law enforcement officials during a visit to Albuquerque, N.M., Monday, Aug. 12, 2024. (AP Photo/Susan Montoya Bryan)

The Biden administration is set to officially accuse Russia of executing disinformation campaigns aimed at disrupting the upcoming presidential election. This announcement is expected to take place on Wednesday and is based on information from three sources familiar with the issue.

U.S. intelligence agencies have previously pointed fingers at Russia for attempting to interfere in elections through disinformation tactics. The forthcoming statement from Attorney General Merrick Garland is anticipated to emphasize the seriousness of U.S. concerns and signal potential legal actions against individuals believed to be involved in these operations.

Those who provided insights into the upcoming announcement spoke on the condition of anonymity, indicating that the matter had not yet been made public. One individual revealed that the statement will include allegations concerning the use of Russian state media to disseminate false information and propaganda.

Garland, along with other leaders in law enforcement, will deliver brief remarks at the start of a meeting held by the Justice Department’s election threats task force.

In her address last month, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco highlighted that Russia poses the most significant threat to the integrity of the elections.

“Russian President Vladimir Putin and his proxies are deploying increasingly advanced tactics in their interference operations,” Monaco emphasized. “They are specifically targeting certain voter demographics and key swing states in their attempts to sway presidential and congressional election results.”

She also noted that these operations aim to manipulate unwitting Americans on social media, pushing narratives that favor Russian interests.

A spokesperson from the Justice Department declined to provide additional comments on the matter.

CNN initially reported on the anticipated announcement, which highlights the ongoing concern regarding foreign interference in U.S. elections.

Source: Associated Press