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Vance Accuses Walz of ‘Stolen Valor’ but Should Thank Him for His Service

As a military spouse with nearly twenty years of experience, I find the comments made by Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance regarding Tim Walz’s military service to be deeply offensive.

Tim Walz deserves our gratitude not just for his time in uniform but also for his roles as a teacher, coach, and elected leader. Currently the governor of Minnesota and the Democratic vice presidential nominee, Walz served as a decorated officer in the National Guard for 24 years, dedicating a significant portion of his life to the service of our country.

Despite his extensive commitment, some Republicans have criticized Walz for not having experienced a combat deployment, labeling his service as “stolen valor.” Vance’s accusations are not only disrespectful to Walz but also to the many veterans who have served honorably without deploying. This rhetoric carries serious implications for how society views military service.

Walz’s military record is not an example of stolen valor. The term “slick sleeve,” which some veterans use to describe those without deployment experience, fails to acknowledge the reality that nearly 40% of service members do not see deployment during their time in the military. It is critical to understand that service comes in many forms.

Vance’s attempts to diminish Walz’s service are at best misguided, and at worst, tasteless.

When looking at the military backgrounds of both vice presidential candidates, it becomes clear that partisan politics can skew perceptions of service. Vance served four years in the Marines and undertook a six-month tour in Iraq as a military journalist, although he too has never seen combat. Yet, this did not prevent him from attacking a fellow veteran’s honor.

Retired Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. Deonte Cole commented on the situation, stating, “This is nothing more than a political attack. Real integrity isn’t just about wearing a uniform. It’s about embodying the values that come with it. Vance’s reckless smears show a deep disconnect from the honor and respect that define true service. He simply doesn’t get it. Walz’s 24 years of dedicated service are beyond reproach, and no amount of political mudslinging will change that.”

Dismissing a veteran’s service sends a harmful message, suggesting that their sacrifices lack value. By attempting to discredit Walz’s military record for political advantage, Vance has transformed their military service from a shared commitment to a political weapon.

Furthermore, Vance’s remarks extend beyond personal attacks, representing an assault on the values that foster respect and honor for all service members. Following in the footsteps of former President Donald Trump, Vance appears to adopt a similar rhetorical approach that focuses on anti-veteran sentiments for gaining media attention and followers. This strategy may not serve him well as he navigates a challenging presidential campaign.

Vance missed a critical opportunity to promote unity and integrity, which are vital for veterans and the military community as a whole. Instead of using his platform as a veteran to uplift and respect the service of others, he chose to ridicule Walz due to a lack of combat experience.

Such attacks are distractions from what truly matters. As voters, we cannot afford to be sidetracked by attempts to politicize or diminish the sacrifices of those who have served this nation. There should be a unifying effort to honor and support all veterans, irrespective of their political beliefs or public personas.

We should extend thanks to all who have served. Just as it is important to acknowledge Vance for his military service, it is equally important for him to recognize Walz’s contributions with respect and gratitude.