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Vanessa Trump’s Turbulent First Relationship Unveiled

Vanessa Trump’s teenage years were marked by a relationship with Valentin Rivera. As Rivera explained to Page Six, Vanessa wasn’t able to visit him much after he was transferred to a youth prison to serve the rest of his sentence because her mother barred her from doing so. Despite these restrictions, the 15-year-old Trump managed to stay in touch with her beau through letters, actively planning their future together. In one love letter shared by People, she wrote, “My 18th birthday, you’ll be back in my arms, my prom, and I want to get pregnant and have a baby with you after January.” She continued, “I want to get pregnant so the baby is born after I graduate since it takes 9 months.”

In fact, Rivera acknowledged that Trump was eager to tie the knot and have several children with him. Other letters showcased her desperately longing for his return and urging Rivera to remain on his best behavior throughout his sentence. Ultimately, Rivera was released after serving 16 months. However, he didn’t stay out of trouble. He joined a street gang called the Latin Kings after catching their eye in prison.

Still, the young Trump wasn’t deterred. She even accompanied him to the gang’s meetings and drove him around while Rivera tackled their errands. As he told Page Six, “She was fascinated. […] She liked the street life at the time,” adding, “She liked that type of environment — being around gang members and stuff.”

Source: Page Six, People