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Veto Ceremony Results Week 2

Photo: CBS

This afternoon, the week 2 Veto Ceremony took place on Big Brother 26. What exactly unfolded during this significant event?

Going into the Ceremony, there was a good sense of what might happen. Over the weekend, Kenney secured the Veto, and Tucker had previously volunteered to go on the block. Earlier today, there were discussions about whether Chelsie could flip the situation and nominate Makensy instead, mainly to flush out her America’s Veto power. However, conspiracy theories persisted in the game, suggesting that Lisa had a power, and this was a strategy to get her to use it instead.

None of these theories came to fruition. Makensy was not nominated, Tucker was put up, and Lisa does not have a power to play. Chelsie has made it clear she does not want Tucker to leave this week. Hence, anyone targeting him would have to know she wouldn’t be pleased with that choice. Whether that’s enough to change things ultimately remains to be seen.

As the game progresses, it seems likely that there will be a back-and-forth struggle between Angela and Lisa. Both have rubbed some houseguests the wrong way, and this friction may influence what happens next, especially concerning the AI Arena. Lisa was initially nominated as the primary target, but there’s still plenty of time for the dynamics to shift, and Angela might cause upheaval.

In the aftermath of the Ceremony, even though Chelsie didn’t make any drastic moves, she and T’kor have been busy discussing Leah. They believe Leah is trying to play Cam while creating a love triangle involving him and Tucker, even though Tucker shows almost no interest in Leah. Adding to the complexity, Quinn is floating around this scenario as well.

Source: CBS