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Video Shows Ukrainian Attack on Key Russian Bridge with US-Made HIMARS

Ukraine has reported the destruction of a vital bridge over the Seym River located in the Kursk region of Russia. According to officials, this significant strike was likely executed using the American-made HIMARS rocket system.

Maria Zakharova, a spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, confirmed on Telegram that this attack marks the first instance of Western-made rockets being used in the Kursk region. She stated, “As a result of the attack on the bridge over the Seim River in the Glushkovsky district, it was completely destroyed and volunteers providing assistance to the evacuated civilians were killed.”

The Ukrainian Air Force’s commander, Mykola Oleshchuk, released video footage that purportedly captures the moment of the strike. He noted in a Telegram post, “Ukrainian pilots are conducting precision strikes against enemy strongholds, equipment concentrations, as well as enemy logistics centers and supply routes.”

Confirming the event, Alexei Smirnov, the acting governor of Kursk, also took to Telegram. He wrote, “As the result of an attack from Ukraine, a road bridge across the Seym River in the Glushkovsky district was destroyed. I am currently in contact with the local administration.”

This bridge was crucial for Russian supply routes, which have faced increasing attention from Ukrainian military operations. In a recent address to the nation, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized the importance of disrupting Russian military logistics. He stated, “We must inflict maximum damage on all Russian positions, and we are doing that.”

The destruction of the bridge aligns with a broader offensive launched by Ukraine last week, catching both Russia and Western nations off guard. This campaign is part of Ukraine’s strategic focus on hampering Russian supplies, not a bid for territorial acquisition.

Despite the escalating conflict and Ukraine’s intensified efforts, Ukrainian officials maintain that they do not seek to permanently occupy Russian territory. A spokesperson for Ukraine’s Foreign Affairs Ministry remarked, “The sooner Russia agrees to restore a just peace, the sooner Ukrainian raids on Russian territory will stop. As long as Putin continues the war, he will receive such responses from Ukraine.”

The recent developments have heightened tensions in the region, with both sides reportedly preparing for further military engagements. As Ukraine focuses on specific military targets within Russian territory, the situation remains volatile, and international observers continue to monitor the implications of this conflict.

This strike reflects the changing dynamics in the ongoing confrontation between Ukraine and Russia, revealing an escalation in the types of weaponry and strategies being employed.

The international community is watching closely, with potential diplomatic fallout anticipated as the conflict progresses. This incident underscores Ukraine’s commitment to altering the course of the war through precision strikes aimed at degrading Russian military capabilities and logistics.

As both sides navigate the complexities of this conflict, the outcome remains uncertain, but the significant actions taken by Ukraine signal a resolute intent to challenge Russian military operations.

In summary, the destruction of the bridge over the Seym River is a critical moment in the ongoing conflict, reflecting Ukraine’s strategic efforts to limit Russia’s operational effectiveness and asserting its position in the face of continued aggression.

Source: Business Insider