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Viewers Enraged and Disgusted by ‘The Man with 1000 Kids’ Documentary

Netflix’s new docuseries titled The Man with 1000 Kids has sparked a wave of outrage and shock among viewers. Released on Wednesday, July 3, this three-part documentary delves into the highly controversial story of Jonathan Jacob Meijer, a Dutch musician and prolific sperm donor who claims to have fathered over 500 children. Following his admission, Meijer was legally forbidden from making any further sperm donations.

The docuseries also brings to light another donor, Leon, who reportedly fathered around 415 children. Allegedly, Leon and Meijer engaged in a secretive competition to see who could produce the most offspring. Meijer, however, has denied these claims in an interview with The Independent.

Since the series premiered, viewers have taken to social media to vent their anger and disbelief over the testimonies shared by the affected mothers. "Holy smokes!! The Man with 1000 Kids is just enraging," one person tweeted. "Jonathan and Leon deserve some kind of punishment. That’s disgusting on so many levels."

Another viewer echoed this sentiment, stating, "It’s shocking to say the least and it’s incredibly f***ed up. The lies and deception people make. Some will just use other people’s vulnerability and weakness for their own agenda."

Comparisons are also being drawn to the 2022 documentary Our Father, which centered on fertility specialist Donald Cline, who was convicted after covertly inseminating patients with his own sperm. "I honestly don’t know what to say. I thought Our Father was bad," remarked a third viewer. "But this…idek. I have no words. Every episode had a new twist that made everything even worse and I was just like…"

One viewer took a more extreme stance, saying, "Yet more proof that we should raze human civilisation to the ground." Another pointed out future implications, arguing, "This man is going to cause so many problems for these kids in the future." Concerns were also raised about the likelihood of half-siblings unknowingly meeting and forming relationships, with one person adding, "They are guaranteed to run into a sibling and not know."

Despite the controversy, some viewers recommend watching the series. "It’s actually F***ING CRAZY," one said, adding that they would "100% recommend" the show.

One of the mothers featured in the documentary, Suzanne, expressed her deep concerns about the long-term effects on the children fathered by Meijer. "They can never just date somebody or have intercourse with somebody, they will always need to take care and even then they might not be aware that they’re a donor child," Suzanne said in an interview with The Independent. "It’s a very dangerous and unhealthy situation for these children, and for their children and grandchildren."

Her partner Natalie pointed out the broader public health risks. "It’s a public health hazard waiting to happen," she said. "It’s not about the number, it’s about the dangers that lie beneath the number. The bigger the number, the more dangerous it is."

As for Meijer, he strongly refutes many of the accusations presented in the documentary. Addressing one of the most shocking allegations—that he and Leon mixed their sperm together to see whose would "win"—he called it "total slander." "It’s insane," Meijer told The Independent. "Why should I do that? Why should anyone do that? If it’s in the documentary, be prepared, I will definitely sue the hell out of the whole Netflix crew."

The Man with 1000 Kids is currently available for streaming on Netflix.

Source: The Independent