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Viral Olympian B-Girl Raygun Describes Online Backlash as “Pretty Devastating”

Raygun, the breakdancing sensation from the 2024 Olympics, responded to the intense backlash she faced following her performance in Paris, calling the criticism “pretty devastating.”

Raygun, whose real name is Rachael Gunn, represented Australia in breaking’s Olympic debut. Her performance was met with widespread ridicule online and further scrutiny after allegations emerged that she had manipulated Australia’s selection process to secure her spot on the team.

In a heartfelt video message posted on Instagram, Raygun expressed gratitude for the support she received. “I just want to start by thanking all the people who have supported me. I really appreciate the positivity, and I’m glad I was able to bring some joy into your lives,” she said. “I didn’t realize that [it] would also open the door to so much hate, which, frankly, has been pretty devastating.”

While acknowledging the challenges she faced, Raygun maintained her commitment to the competition. “I went out there and had fun, but I did take it very seriously. I worked my butt off preparing for the Olympics, and I gave my all, truly. I’m honored to have been part of the Australian Olympic Team and to be a part of breaking’s Olympics debut. What the other athletes have achieved has just been phenomenal,” she continued.

Raygun also addressed the allegations regarding her selection, referring people to statements from the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC), the @ausbreaking Instagram page, and the World DanceSport Federation Breaking for Gold page.

The AUSbreaking team issued a statement clarifying the selection process, which adhered to the World DanceSport Federation (WDSF) regulations and aligned with International Olympic Committee (IOC) standards. The statement confirmed that Rachael Gunn and Jeff Dunne were selected based on their performance in the selection trials.

“Ultimately, Rachael Gunn and Jeff Dunne emerged as the top performers in exactly the same process, securing their spots to represent Australia in Paris. Their selection was based solely on their performance in their battles on that day,” read the statement.

The AUSbreaking team and WDSF also condemned the online harassment and bullying directed at Raygun. The WDSF statement did not name Raygun specifically but emphasized their stance against cyberbullying and harassment.

Raygun addressed the negative comments about her score, explaining that breaking doesn’t use a points system like other sports. “There are actually no points in breaking,” she clarified. “If you want to see how the judges thought I compared to my opponents, you can actually see the comparison percentages across the five criteria on The results are there.”

The Olympic website shows breaking competition results based on judges’ votes, where Raygun received zero votes in all three rounds of her competition, resulting in a 0-18 loss.

In closing her message, Raygun asked for privacy for her and her community. “Please stop harassing my family, my friends, the Australian breaking community, and the broader street dance community,” she pleaded. “Everyone has been through a lot as a result of this, so I ask you to please respect their privacy. I’ll be happy to answer more questions on my return to Australia.”

Source: AUSbreaking, World DanceSport Federation Breaking for Gold,