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Volcano Eruption Meets Northern Lights: A Spectacular Encounter

Actors get paid millions of dollars to perform, while Mother Nature puts on a show for free. Sometimes, her performances are even better than anything you’ll see on the big screen. When two natural phenomena collide, the result can be truly spectacular.

Many people visit Iceland hoping to catch a glimpse of the aurora borealis, also known as the Northern Lights. These lights naturally occur when charged particles from the sun interact with gases near the Earth, turning the sky into a canvas of beautiful colored hues that look like a masterpiece of art.

According to, the peak season for viewing the Northern Lights is just around the corner.

“The best time to see the Northern Lights is during the winter, between September and April, when dark and long nights have taken over from the bright summer nights in Iceland. The Northern Lights are said to be most active around equinoxes in September and March, but the chances also improve mid-winter by bringing more darkness – it simply gives you a larger window each day to witness them,” the website states.

Iceland is also famous for its volcanoes. Occasionally, a volcano will erupt while the Northern Lights are shining, creating an awe-inspiring natural spectacle. ABC News shared a video of one such event on Instagram.

“Natural phenomena collide as an erupting volcano and the Northern Lights join forces to illuminate the night sky over Iceland’s Reykjanes Peninsula,” reads the caption.

The video shows people standing back in awe, watching as fireballs fly high into the air, framed by an emerald-green sky in the background.

One Instagram user commented, “This is honestly incredible. Can’t imagine seeing it live.”

Another person agreed, “Mother Nature is truly amazing. Phenomenal display.”

“Woooow!!! Incredible. Iceland is a world in itself,” said another.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

Source: ABC News,