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Walz’s China Experience Sparks GOP Criticism; Beijing Not Hopeful for Ties

MINNEAPOLIS — Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has a longstanding history with China, and this connection is now under scrutiny as he emerges as the Democratic vice presidential nominee. With the heightened tensions between the U.S. and China, Republican opponents are leveraging Walz’s past to question his loyalty to American interests.

At the age of 25, Walz taught high school in China for a year. He returned there for his honeymoon and continued to visit, often leading American exchange students on trips. Throughout his time as a congressman, he was actively involved in discussions about China’s human rights and even met significant figures such as the Dalai Lama.

In light of his candidacy, Republicans have accused Walz of maintaining a decades-long relationship with “Communist China.” They have initiated investigations into his trip organizing activities, suggesting he might have been targeted for influence by Beijing. This shift indicates a broader transformation in how political interactions with China are perceived. Once viewed as benign cultural exchanges, they are now seen as politically charged.

Kyle Jaros, an associate professor of global affairs, remarked on the growing skepticism surrounding any U.S. politician’s connection with China. He stated that such connections are often interpreted as signs of loyalty to Chinese interests, potentially compromising U.S. foreign policy. While some interactions may raise concerns, he cautioned against overly simplistic conclusions that could alienate policymakers with valuable insights into Chinese affairs.

The chorus of Republican criticism intensified with Congressman James Comer announcing an investigation into Walz’s China ties. Comer claimed that Walz’s “cozy” relationship with China warranted concern amongst citizens. Meanwhile, Walz’s spokesperson defended him, highlighting his commitment to fighting against China’s Communist Party and advocating for human rights.

Controversy surrounding Walz escalated upon his selection as Kamala Harris’s running mate. Prominent Republicans took to social media to express their discontent. Richard Grenell, the former acting director of national intelligence, hinted that “Communist China is very happy with” Walz. Senator Tom Cotton echoed these sentiments, demanding an explanation for Walz’s long-standing relationship with China, while Senator Marco Rubio criticized Walz as a product of Beijing’s efforts to cultivate future American leaders.

Walz has reflected positively on his experiences in China, even suggesting in past interviews that he sympathizes with the plight of the Chinese people under their government. His honeymoon trip coincided with the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, a politically sensitive topic in China.

In his years as a congressman, Walz cultivated a reputation as a champion for human rights and was a proactive member of a committee focused on human rights abuses in China. His meetings with the Dalai Lama and Hong Kong democracy advocate Joshua Wong showcased his commitment to addressing issues concerning Chinese governance, often leading to tensions with Beijing.

Despite the challenges posed by the current U.S.-China relationship, experts like Yun Sun, director of the China program at the Stimson Center, believe that having U.S. politicians with a background in China could enhance their understanding of the complexities involved. This perspective suggests that knowledge gained from firsthand experience can ultimately inform more constructive criticism of the Chinese government.

Interestingly, feedback from China regarding Walz has been subdued, with authorities discouraging public discussion of his past. Alumni from the Chinese school where Walz taught were instructed to refrain from comments about him, signaling the political sensitivity surrounding any references to American political figures connected with China.

Amid the investigations and attacks on Walz, a former English teacher at Walz’s school expressed admiration for him, stating that he was well-liked by his students and acknowledging his journey from teacher to vice presidential candidate as remarkable.

As the election draws closer, it remains unclear how these dynamics will play out. Continued scrutiny of Walz’s connections raises questions about how past interactions can influence contemporary political narratives in a climate of U.S.-China rivalry.

Source: AP