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Waylon Jennings Furious at TV Host’s Insult About The Highwaymen’s Ticket Sales

Imagine sitting in a room with Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, and Waylon Jennings. Known collectively as The Highwaymen, they are each legendary in their own right. Picture having an opportunity to ask them anything and leading with a somewhat insulting question. That’s exactly what happened in 1991 when New Zealand broadcaster Paul Holmes interviewed them before their tour.

Holmes opened by asking if the reason for their group tour was due to their inability to sell tickets on their own, citing “critics.” He asked: “Why they’re teaming up together? At least one critic, probably more critics, have suggested it’s because none of you can now fill the halls anymore on your own, that it takes four of you. How do you answer a critic like that?”

Kris Kristofferson was quick to respond with a chuckle, “How kind of you to point that out.” This set the tone for a light-hearted rebuttal from the group. Waylon Jennings added, “Well it’s about time to leave, looks like…” The group, although light-hearted, clearly found the question insulting.

Kris Kristofferson led their more serious response by saying, “We have a lot of business being up on stage together because we all have been referred to as ‘wild men’ at one time or other in our life.”

Johnny Cash, calm and composed, shot down the critics: “There’s not a one in this group that can’t fill any hall he plays on his own. That’s not a true statement that you made there. I haven’t had a show this year, for myself with my wife and the Carter family that hasn’t been a sellout, and I know Willie sells out every place he plays. So does Waylon, so does Kris. It’s not true that we can’t make it on our own. As a matter of fact, we have trouble working into our schedule, the shows for The Highwaymen… We have to do it a year in advance. We’ve taken a year of planning to make this tour happen.”

Waylon, in his characteristic style, added a playful but telling comment: “I tell ya, one more point too, that if you ask another question like that we’ll burn your home.” Though said with a grin, it was a reminder of his quick wit and outcast style.

As the interview proceeded, Holmes asked about their long careers, multiple marriages, and the “wild” lives they had led. Again, this prompted humor from the group. Willie Nelson quipped, “That’s just Kris he’s talkin’ about!” Waylon quickly added, “Yeah, what about the rest of us?”

The critical speculation about their “lack of individual sales” clearly did not bother them. It seems natural that such confidence comes with their experience and collective success. After all, they had sold nearly 200 million albums altogether. The group’s nonchalance underscores the idea that critics should perhaps do their research before making such claims.

The interview wrapped up smoothly, showing that while these four legends might have had fun with the broadcaster, their respectability and impressive careers speak for themselves.

Source: Whiskey Riff, YouTube