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We Need More Than Just Vibes to Understand What You’re About

The Democratic National Convention has concluded, marking the beginning of a crucial push toward Election Day, driven by Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz at the helm of the Democratic presidential ticket.

The atmosphere in Chicago this week was electric, with both Harris and Walz receiving a warm and enthusiastic welcome from convention attendees.

However, the reasoning behind this enthusiasm remains ambiguous.

Speakers spent considerable time championing both candidates, but much of their praise revolved around sentiments rather than tangible achievements or qualifications. This raises questions about what a possible Harris presidency might actually entail, as concrete details were noticeably absent from the discussions.

Totaling the experience of the convention, attendees were treated to expressions of camaraderie and positivity. Harris was described as a kind and hardworking individual full of joy, while Walz was highlighted for his relatable persona as a father and former high school coach. His emotional on-stage moment with his children was particularly poignant, signaling the human side of political life.

It’s important to remember, however, that Harris and Walz are not merely vying for the title of America’s most beloved personalities; they are contenders for some of the most consequential positions in the country.

The convention did not clarify why they are suited for these critical roles.

Many observers contend that the campaign presents an agenda that seems to favor a ‘Californication’ of America, pushing policies that could be seen as extreme or inappropriate for a wider national audience.

In their push for votes, the Harris campaign, along with its Democratic supporters, presents her as a political newcomer. This narrative, however, overlooks her extensive involvement in the Biden administration over the past four years—an administration that has garnered mixed reviews, particularly regarding the state of the economy and immigration issues.

As Vice President, Harris has played an influential role, casting a record 33 tie-breaking votes in the Senate that advanced several of Biden’s key but controversial legislative initiatives.

Despite her visibility, Harris has been largely absent from serious interviews or press conferences, opting instead for rallies where she is met with applause. She has promised a more formal media engagement by month’s end, but skepticism remains about the depth of her forthcoming discussion.

This cycle, a striking inconsistency arises. Historically, Harris has been regarded unfavorably—a reality that didn’t change until Joe Biden stepped out of the race, leading to her being seen as the only viable candidate in the late stage of the campaign.

Americans deserve a clearer picture of what a Harris-led presidency would actually look like. Attempts to present her as unfamiliar to the public are misleading; after years of visibility, opinions about her are established, and many have been less than favorable.

At a recent Politico event, Harris’s campaign chair remarked that while the vice president is known, her story remains largely untold. This contradicts the reality that Americans have formed opinions based on her performance over the years.

As the campaign shifts gears, clarity becomes vital. Current policy proposals from Harris lack substantive content and frequently hint at problematic solutions such as housing subsidies and price controls, which could exacerbate the very issues she seeks to improve.

Walz, while presenting a more traditional Midwestern persona, has also shown tendencies towards policies that could be viewed as fiscally dubious, aligning with a broader Democratic trend that raises alarm among conservative voters.

Harris’s political identity remains somewhat ambiguous, particularly in the wake of convention speeches that were heavy on optimistic rhetoric yet light on substantial policy articulation. The final night of the convention aimed to celebrate “our future,” yet left many wondering what that future precisely entails under a Harris-Walz administration.

As the race intensifies, it will be increasingly critical for both candidates to articulate not just their vision, but the specific policies and principles that will guide their administration should they win.

Source: USA Today