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Weather Shifts Cover Greek Town’s Waterways with Dead Fish

Tens of thousands of dead fish wash up on Texas coast 04:02

Volos, Greece — In a concerning environmental incident, over 100 tons of dead fish have been retrieved from the waters around Volos, a port city in central Greece. This massive die-off is being attributed to drastic weather fluctuations in the region, prompting authorities to take immediate action.

The dead fish have inundated the bay, located 200 miles north of Athens, along with nearby rivers. The area experienced a significant rise in water levels, initially due to severe flooding that swept through central Greece in the fall of 2023. This was followed by months of intense drought, contributing to the unfortunate mass mortality.

Local businesses are facing dire consequences. According to the Volos Chamber of Commerce, commercial activity has plummeted by 80% in the last three days due to the situation. Fishing trawlers have been hired by local authorities, along with heavy machinery operators, to remove the dead fish from the water, transporting them to an incineration facility.

The fish in question originated from Lake Karla, a water body that was drained in the 1960s and underwent restoration in 2018 to mitigate drought impacts. According to Anna Maria Papadimitriou, the deputy regional governor of the central Thessaly area, “Millions of dead fish can be seen stretching from Lake Karla and extending 20 kilometers (12 miles) eastward.”
A woman observes a river blanketed in dead fish in Volos, Greece, on August 29, 2024. Ayhan Mehmet/Anadolu/Getty

“Efforts are currently underway to clean up the millions of dead fish that have accumulated along the shorelines and riverbanks, involving multiple contractors,” she added.

The water levels surged abruptly during a severe storm in the fall of 2023, which caused extensive flooding in the region. However, following this, prolonged periods of low rainfall and extreme summer heatwaves have significantly reduced water levels.

The mayor of Volos has expressed frustration towards regional authorities for their delayed response to the crisis. The local Chamber of Commerce is also contemplating legal action to seek damages due to the sharp decline in commercial activity.
Workers use a mobile crane to collect fish floating on the Xiria River near Volos, Greece, on August 28, 2024. SAKIS MITROLIDIS/AFP/Getty

In their statement, the Chamber highlighted that businesses along the seafront, especially those in the catering sector, are now suspending operations. “A strong stench permeating the area has become intolerable for both residents and visitors, delivering a severe blow to tourism in Volos,” the statement added.

Source: source names