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‘Welcome to Plathville’: Olivia Plath Accuses Moriah of Lying

A preview of an upcoming episode of Welcome To Plathville depicts a tense interaction between Moriah and Olivia Plath. The ongoing drama between the two has been a focal point of the show. The big question is whether they are ready to reconcile. Spoiler alert: the answer isn’t straightforward.

In the preview, Moriah and Olivia come face-to-face for the first time since Olivia’s split from Ethan. Moriah approaches Olivia to apologize, and the air is thick with tension. The two had left things on bad terms, and it shows.


Last season, Moriah accused Olivia of publishing her music online without permission and profiting from it. This accusation led to a significant rift between the sisters-in-law. Olivia denied the accusations, and Moriah stood by her story until now.

“I’m really sorry that I made up a story about you stealing my music and broadcasted that to everyone,” Moriah admitted in the preview clip. This confession offered Olivia some relief, but fully accepting the apology proved to be difficult.

Welcome To Plathville Moriah and Olivia Plath - TLC

“I don’t really know what to do with Mariah’s apology because it’s not specific,” Olivia reflected in a confessional. “I think it would be really nice for her to say, ‘Yeah, you know, Ethan told us what actually happened, and I’m sorry I called you a liar in front of the whole world when it was proven to be true.’”

Olivia also questioned Moriah’s timing for the apology. “I think this is a conversation she needed to have to maybe come to terms with herself,” Olivia speculated.

Despite the apology, it appears unlikely that the two will rekindle their friendship. Olivia made it clear that trust is still absent. “There’s no trust there,” Olivia told Moriah, adding that she does not wish to have any more interactions with the Plath family.

“I don’t need to have those conversations,” Olivia insisted. “My closure is what’s happening. All those things should have been worked out privately.”

Moriah expressed a desire to prevent such situations in the future. “Even if I’m mad about a situation, I just never again want to do that to somebody, especially publicly,” she said.

Welcome To Plathville Moriah Plath - TLC

Olivia was skeptical about Moriah’s motives, suggesting the apology might have ulterior reasons. “I know that you’re releasing a song this week,” Olivia remarked. “I know you wrote it about me. It just sat with me in a weird way, like meeting up and talking this week — the same week you’re releasing a song that is basically your burn book against me.”

The preview clip concluded with Moriah looking taken aback and simply nodding her head.

Welcome to Plathville airs on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. EST on TLC.

Source: TV Shows Ace