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Welsh National Opera Musicians Plan Strike in Response to Cuts

Musicians in the Welsh National Opera (WNO) orchestra have voted in favor of taking strike action due to a dispute over proposed cuts.

The Musicians’ Union (MU) revealed that 81% of its members voted in support of strikes, while a significant 96% backed other forms of industrial action.

The union has accused the opera company of planning to reduce the orchestra to part-time status, which would lead to a 15% reduction in pay.

Due to these proposed changes, WNO will be forced to scale back its touring activities, potentially depriving towns and cities like Llandudno and Bristol of high-quality opera performances, the union warned.

“These cuts could be averted with increased support from the Welsh Government, Arts Council Wales, Arts Council England, or a combination of the three,” stated Naomi Pohl, the MU’s general secretary.

Pohl emphasized that the union members don’t take the decision to ballot for potential industrial action lightly.

“We always want to avoid full strike action if possible and WNO management needs to work with us to consider alternative proposals and pursue an appropriate funding solution that will enable WNO to remain a full-time company,” Pohl elaborated.

The union attributes these drastic measures to funding cuts from Arts Council England and Arts Council Wales.

MU’s national organizer for orchestras, Jo Laverty, echoed the concerns, pointing out the severe impact on orchestra members if forced into part-time employment.

“Earlier this year, a survey showed that 60% of our members are considering leaving the WNO orchestra, while 40% are contemplating leaving the sector entirely to make ends meet,” said Laverty.

“The cuts to Welsh National Opera will also have a wider, detrimental effect on the industry and the arts ecosystem in Wales,” Laverty added. “Opportunities for stable, year-round employment and for engaging freelancers will continue to decrease.”

Laverty further noted that the profession would suffer, with fewer opportunities for skilled orchestral musicians in Wales and diminishing prospects for the country’s aspiring young musicians.

“It diminishes opportunities in the profession, it diminishes opportunities for skilled orchestral musicians in Wales, and the future of the profession for Wales’s aspiring young musicians,” she concluded.

Source: BBC News