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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

What Became of Stefan Urquelle on Family Matters

Everything comes to a head when Steve takes his invention to a Disney World competition during the Season 6 two-parter “We’re Going to Disney World.” He manages to transform himself into Stefan before the shocked audience. Laura wrecks the invention, trapping him in his alter-ego’s form. Their romantic time at Disney ends with a proposal — and the revelation Laura destroyed the machine, and once again, Steve turns back into Stefan. It’s a stalemate that begs for a proper conclusion, which the show manages to do.

At the foot of Season 6, Steve is abandoned by his parents, who move to Russia without him. He ends up moving in with the Winslows for his senior year and Season 7, which brings him in embarrassingly close quarters with Laura. The twosome get closer and even go to the senior prom together. During “Send in the Clones,” Steve invents a cloning machine. At Laura’s suggestion, one of the clones is turned into a Stefan who — from this episode on — now exists as his own person. Steve and Laura end up getting together by Season 8 — but Stefan pops back up to test Laura’s newfound loyalty to Steve multiple times. He ends up working with Myra to separate the duo and even proposes to her during Season 9’s “Pop Goes the Question.” But Laura figures out she really does love Steve and they get engaged, leading to Stefan’s disappearance.

The show ends two episodes later with Steve on a space mission and Myra causing one last ruckus before Laura and Steve get together for good. Perhaps he’ll end up on an out-of-this-world quest of his own someday.

Source: source names