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What Happens to Kelly and Cole?
Credit: Columbia Pictures

Fly Me to the Moon is a historical romantic comedy featuring Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum. Set in the ’60s during the Space Race, the film follows the romance between Cole Davis (Tatum), a NASA launch director, and Kelly Jones (Johansson), a marketing specialist hired to revitalize NASA’s public affairs. The story takes an unexpected turn when Moe Berkus (Woody Harrelson), the government agent who recruited Kelly, reveals they must stage a fake moon landing to ensure America’s victory.

As NASA gears up to send Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin to the Moon, Moe assigns Kelly a daunting new task: live-broadcasting a fake moon landing to guarantee American supremacy in the Space Race. Faced with this ethical dilemma, Kelly decides to confide in Cole. Together, they devise a plan to broadcast the actual moon landing footage without Moe’s knowledge.

When the astronauts finally touch down on the Moon and speak with President Nixon, a brief moment of panic ensues for Cole, Kelly, and their allies. They fear they might have accidentally aired the fake footage.

However, a recurring black cat that has appeared several times in the film makes another timely appearance. As Kelly, Moe, and others scramble to catch the cat, it walks onto the fake moon landing set. The live footage broadcast to the world doesn’t show the cat, confirming to Kelly and Cole that they are airing the real moon landing.

Moe soon comes to the same realization. With this revelation, all is forgiven, and Cole and Kelly’s actions not only lead to the desired outcome but also secure Moe’s job.

By the film’s end, Kelly and Cole achieve their professional goals and find personal happiness together. Kelly finally reveals her real name, Winnie, to Cole. As Moe prepares to depart, he assures Kelly that all records of her past indiscretions will be erased and offers her a job. She declines, presumably choosing to remain at NASA alongside Cole.

The black cat serves as a charming and pivotal element throughout the film, turning superstitions on their head. Although the movie doesn’t specify the cat’s fate, it’s safe to say it probably remains a mysterious and occasional presence at NASA, appearing only when it sees fit.

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