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What is IoB or the Internet of Behavior?

Most people know about IoT (Internet of Things), but do you know what IoB (Internet of Behavior) is and why it is relevant? IoB is a system that uses sensors and other technology to track and analyze human behavior and predict future actions. 

It collects data from different sources, including IoT sensors, social media interactions, wearable devices, etc. 

The compiled data helps understand when, how, and why an individual will interact with a digital product. This technology is being increasingly adopted across various industries, including the iGaming sector. Platforms like social sweepstakes casinos use IoB to enhance gaming experiences by personalizing them. 

In this blog, we will discuss IoB, its data sources, and the analysis of data for personalized content in detail. 

Sources of Data Collection

Let us discuss in detail which channels are used to collect data to predict human behavior for IoB.

IoT Devices

IoT devices and sensors provide a wealth of data on our daily habits. These sensors include:

  • Smart home gadgets.
  • Wearable devices like smartwatches.
  • Automotive sensors.

For instance, our smartwatch tracks when we finish our daily workout routine and leave for work. After a few days, Google gives you a traffic prediction for this time. 

Online Activity

Our daily online activity, including social media channels, browsing histories, and search queries, is a vital source of data. Different IoB techs use AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) to analyze this data and acquire nuanced insights.

Biometric Data

Several biometric data are collected for an enhanced personalized experience:

  • Emotion detection through cameras and microphones.
  • Eye-tracking.
  • Responses to digital products.

These biometric data reveal subtle aspects of our attitudes and moods that help predict human behavior.

Location Data

Location data is collected from geotags of your photos, different check-ins, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi check-ins. This data enables IoB to understand our physical movements, places visited, transportation modes, and other geographic behavior patterns over time.

Application of IoB Across Different Industries

So, based on the vast amounts of collected data, which industries are they used in? Let’s see:

  • Retail: It is used to understand the demand for each product and store and stock them accordingly. It also creates personalized product recommendations based on customer behavior data. 
  • Healthcare: IoB is beneficial for predictive diagnoses and preventive care using long-term patient behavior analysis.
  • Policy-Making: This data collection helps the government understand the citizens’ pain points. The tracking of social media data also allows them to stop some mishaps.
  • Entertainment: Major streaming platforms like Netflix and YouTube use IoB data for targeted advertising utilizing viewer interest and engagement metrics. The gaming industry also uses IoB to monitor at-risk behavior patterns. 
  • Travel and Hospitality: When the holiday season arrives, travel companies promote targeted marketing to people based on their preferences. The IoB data helps to understand their location preferences, hotel pricing range, and food preferences. 

Key Takeaways

According to TC Global, the IoB will soon tap into 40% of people’s data worldwide. This shows how powerful a shift is happening in understanding the human decision-making process. 

By combining insights from IoT devices, online activities, biometrics, and location tracking, IoB provides businesses with an in-depth view of consumer behaviors. As seen through its vast application areas, it opens new opportunities for personalization and enhanced user experiences. 

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