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What to Watch the Week of July 28: The Bachelorette Shines in Week 4

The Bachelorette journey takes a thrilling twist this week as Jenn Tran and the contestants head to Auckland, New Zealand. I had the unique opportunity to visit the production set in New Zealand and witness Jenn participating in a rugby group date and an individual date. Additionally, I spent some rare downtime with her, gaining insight into how she’s feeling halfway through her journey and what remains unseen on the show.

Jenn struck me as remarkably centered, not overwhelmed by the whirlwind of emotions, travel, or the men vying for her attention. This is particularly impressive considering the intensity of the previous cocktail party in Australia. During that event, the atmosphere was charged with drama, with several participants—Devin, Thomas, Sam M., and even Sam N.—acting as significant sources of tension.

The new setting of New Zealand acted as an immediate reset for Jenn. “It’s always been a dream of mine to go to Australia and New Zealand,” she shared with me from her hotel suite in Auckland. “Whenever you think of New Zealand, you think of the beautiful scenery, the nature, and so I’m excited to see more of that.”

The breathtaking landscapes of Waiheke Island, accessible via a 45-minute ferry ride from Auckland, and the serene sunrises in Auckland were captivating. These stunning visuals add a romantic backdrop to Jenn’s journey, making it all more enchanting.

Despite the excitement of the scenery, Jenn has a packed schedule with two individual dates this week. Her leading men, Devin and Sam M., will be getting some quality time with her, overshadowing any of the background drama.

“Early on, Jenn might’ve been a little guarded and playing it safe, but now she’s finally putting the walls down,” Jesse Palmer noted. “She’s had a lot of guys open up to her already, and I think she realizes the importance of meeting these men halfway. She’s starting to do that. I absolutely think she’s turned the corner. Things were more surface level in L.A. and Melbourne, but here in New Zealand, there’s going to be some separation, and she’ll dig deeper into her feelings for these guys.”

Jenn is clearly embracing this new phase of her journey. The change in setting appears to be just what she needed, providing a fresh perspective and a deeper connection with her contenders. As the week in New Zealand unfolds, viewers will get to see her break down walls and explore these developing relationships more profoundly. And while this trip might be filled with activities, it’s only a matter of time before Jenn may need to plan another visit to truly soak in New Zealand’s untouched beauty.

The drama and emotional depths explored this week are bound to be engaging. For Jenn, this new experience promises to be a game-changer as she continues on her path to find love.

Source: Glamour