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When and Where Will ‘Borderlands’ Stream?


The film adaptation of the video game series Borderlands premiered in theaters last week. However, initial reactions suggest that those involved in the production might prefer it if the audience forgot about it altogether. The movie brought together a cast of award-winning actors, placing them in a dystopian setting, but the reception has been far from stellar.

Perhaps you have a young video game enthusiast in your life, or maybe you’re curious to see what Cate Blanchett has been up to since her role in TAR. Eventually, you might find yourself wanting to watch Borderlands, but fair warning, it could be quite an endeavor.

Since Lionsgate is the distributor, Borderlands will eventually be available for streaming on Starz. Historically, Lionsgate movies have taken about 4–5 months to transition from theaters to streaming platforms. Given the film’s underwhelming performance, it’s likely that its theatrical run will be short-lived, paving the way for a streaming release possibly by late November or early December.

After its stint on Starz, Borderlands is expected to move to the Roku Channel for a brief period, just as some other Lionsgate films have done in the past. The movie’s final destination will be Peacock, where all Lionsgate films eventually reside. You can probably expect Borderlands to appear on Peacock by early 2025, though these timelines can always shift. By the way, in case you’re interested, TAR is currently available for streaming on Peacock!

Source: Particle News