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Where’s Barron? Youngest Trump Missing from Crypto Launch After Build-Up

The spotlight was on 18-year-old Barron Trump as he prepared for his first significant speaking role during a public broadcast aimed at promoting his family’s new cryptocurrency venture. Excitement bubbled among his older brothers, Don Jr., 46, and Eric, 40, who were eager to showcase their youngest sibling’s participation. However, much to their disappointment, Barron did not appear in the livestream.

“He’s not here anymore. We took too long,” said crypto entrepreneur Farokh Sarmad during an interview with the Trump family, aired live on X (formerly Twitter) on Monday night. “We’re gonna try and get him back.”

Don Jr. interjected with a chuckle, “Damned teenagers! I’m like the old boomer now – the grumpy old man with a white beard.”

Barron Trump is now studying in New York (AFP via Getty Images)

The Trump family, in collaboration with their business partners, gathered to reveal more about World Liberty Financial (WLF), an online banking and lending platform aimed at simplifying cryptocurrency access for ordinary Americans. Their hope is to protect users from the so-called “censorship” of major traditional banks.

According to a leaked document obtained by the crypto news outlet CoinDesk, both Eric and Don Jr. have been identified as WLF’s resident “Web3 Ambassadors,” while Barron is described as the platform’s “DeFi visionary,” referring to decentralized finance.

Despite the extensive two-hour interview, the discussion yielded few substantial insights into the new project. The only clear takeaway was the announcement that it would feature a “stablecoin”—a form of digital currency linked to the US dollar. Additionally, it was noted that early investors would not receive any special governance privileges.

During the broadcast, the former president highlighted the influence of his sons in broadening his understanding of cryptocurrencies. He emphasized Barron’s knowledge, referring to him as a “blockchain wizard.” The former president expressed his admiration for Barron’s expertise, saying, “Barron knows so much about this. Barron’s a young guy, but he knows—he talks about his [crypto] wallet, he’s got four wallets or something, and I’ll say ‘what is a wallet?’ But he knows it inside out.”

It’s evident that the younger generation possesses a deeper understanding of this digital frontier. “It’s almost like younger people know it a lot better than older people. But I have a lot of respect for them. They’ve shown great judgement, all of them,” he added, displaying praise not only for Barron but for his older sons as well.

This venture into cryptocurrency marks a significant step for the Trump family, positioning them in a rapidly evolving financial landscape. As public interest in digital currencies continues to grow, they appear poised to tap into the massive potential that this market offers.

With Barron’s absence from the broadcast creating a stir, the family hopes to reintroduce him at a later date, igniting curiosity among viewers about his involvement in this burgeoning initiative. Their vision for WLF encompasses a commitment to merging traditional banking with the innovative potential of blockchain technology.

Time will tell how this project develops and whether Barron will make a prominent return to the spotlight in the cryptocurrency space, but for now, the focus remains on the efforts to bring accessible financial services to the average American.

The Trump family’s foray into the world of digital finance is just beginning, and anticipation grows regarding what they will unveil next.

Source: Original News Article