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White House Calls Tucker Carlson’s ‘Nazi Propaganda’ Interview a ‘Sadistic Insult’

A White House official condemned Tucker Carlson (right) for holding an interview with Darryl Cooper (left) who claimed Winston Churchill was ‘the chief villain’ of WWII.

The Biden administration has officially denounced Tucker Carlson for his decision to interview Darryl Cooper, described as a “Holocaust denier” and a promoter of Nazi propaganda. The administration emphasized that such actions are “unacceptable,” particularly in light of the somber anniversary of the events surrounding October 7.

Recently, Carlson, a former Fox News anchor who has hosted various controversial guests, invited Cooper onto his podcast. During the episode, Carlson referred to Cooper as potentially “the best and most honest popular historian in the United States.”

Carlson, known for his far-right perspectives, was dismissed from Fox News last year and has faced criticism for advancing various conspiracy theories. His choice to feature Cooper sparked significant backlash due to Cooper’s controversial views on historical events.

Cooper, a social media influencer focused on 20th-century history, made headlines by asserting that Winston Churchill was “the chief villain” of World War II. He further claimed that Churchill played a key role in transforming the war into something far larger than just the invasion of Poland.
Darryl Cooper appeared as a guest on Tucker Carlson’s podcast this past week.

Cooper suggested that he did not see Adolf Hitler as the main “protagonist” of the war, asserting that the Nazis initiated an unprepared campaign that spiraled out of control. These statements contribute to the ongoing discourse surrounding the Holocaust, where six million Jewish people were systematically murdered under Nazi rule.

On Thursday, Andrew Bates, senior deputy press secretary at the White House, expressed outrage at Carlson for providing Cooper a platform to share his views. According to estimates, Carlson’s podcast garners around 800,000 listeners on YouTube.

Bates remarked to CNN, “Giving a microphone to a Holocaust denier who spreads Nazi propaganda is a disgusting and sadistic insult to all Americans. It devalues the memory of the over 6 million Jews who were genocidally murdered by Adolf Hitler and disrespects all those who fought against Nazism.”

Bates strongly asserted that Hitler remains “one of the most evil figures in human history and the ‘chief villain’ of World War II, full stop.” He reiterated that the Biden-Harris administration believes that embracing such “moral rot” is wholly inappropriate, especially less than a year after the devastating attacks against the Jewish community.

On October 7, 2023, militants tragically killed about 1,200 individuals, with a majority being civilians, in Southern Israel, capturing approximately 250 hostages.

In response to the backlash, Carlson spoke to CNN, expressing his disgust with those who utilize Churchill’s legacy to escalate tensions toward nuclear conflict. He labeled them as “warmonger freaks” who lack the moral high ground.

Carlson’s interview with Cooper faced rapid criticism on social media, including a sharp rebuke from former Wyoming Republican Representative Liz Cheney, who referred to the interview as “pro-Nazi propaganda.”

Notably, Elon Musk, the owner of X, had initially shared the interview, describing it as “very interesting, worth watching,” but later chose to delete his post.

As the discussion continues, both Cooper and Carlson have been contacted for further comments regarding the reaction to the interview and its implications.

Source: Independent