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Who Did Jenn Tran Choose?

“The Bachelorette” season finale has arrived, revealing whether Jenn Tran found love or heartbreak in the end.


Throughout the season, Jenn Tran had to choose between Marcus Shoberg and Devin Strader. Ultimately, she decided to propose to Devin.

However, things took a dramatic turn as the engagement did not last until the finale.

In an unexpected twist, Devin broke up with Jenn before the final episode, leaving fans stunned.

Instead of a romantic proposal, viewers witnessed Jenn explaining what happened.

“It’s been a really hard couple of months,” she expressed. “We left Hawai’i engaged and very happy. I thought I had found my life partner. But as soon as we left Hawai’i, things changed. It felt like he was pulling away.”

Jenn felt increasingly “confused” as Devin’s calls and texts dwindled.

“I felt like I was secondary to everything else in his life… and I didn’t understand why,” she said. “We had a happy couple visit planned for early last month. The night before, he called me and broke off the engagement. He said he didn’t love me anymore and regretted getting engaged.”

Jenn suggested they call off the engagement and just date, but realized, “he was checked out. It wasn’t what he wanted anymore.” She fought for their relationship, but he was “just done.”

“All the promises he made to me, all of the love he showed, it wasn’t there anymore,” she added.

The last time Jenn saw Devin was in July. When they met again for the cameras, Jenn had questions.

“What I can’t understand is everything you did after you broke our engagement,” she said, confronting him about following former “Bachelor” contestant Maria Georgas shortly after their split. Devin simply replied, “I failed you. There’s nothing I can say other than that. But everything I felt for you was real.”

Discussing what went wrong, Devin admitted, “When we left the show, I had a lot of doubts. I did come clean to you about them.”

“It’s hard to sit here and deny what you’re accusing me of. I was regretfully late in letting you know. I can only take accountability for my shortcomings,” he continued.

Jenn, reflecting on their past footage, admitted she was “heartbroken” seeing them together as the episodes aired. Devin told her, “I’m not here to save face. I have nothing to gain by being here other than to make sure you’re okay, which is what I came here to do.”

Explaining his perspective, Devin shared, “During our time together, I watched this beautiful girl flourish. It was amazing to watch you. But I found myself falling short in the real world… I watched you grow and then I watched myself contribute to your regression.”

The former couple then revisited their proposal. In the footage, Devin professed, “I do love you with all my heart,” while Jenn maintained she “never doubted” him for a second. When she proposed, he eagerly said yes “a hundred times over” and even proposed back to her.

Source: Particle Media