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Who Ended Up Under the Covers and Who Was Left Heartbroken?

One of Jenn Tran’s most promising men shed tears when he didn’t get what he needed from her on Monday night’s fantasy suites episode of The Bachelorette.

The pivotal week featured Jenn deciding whether to spend overnight time with her final three—Devin Strader, Jonathon Johnson, and Marcus Schoberg.

The episode opened with a flash-forward of Devin crying and moaning, “I need to feel loved.” He also told host Jesse Palmer, “I don’t feel like I’m the one.”

Then, cameras switched to Jenn arriving in Hawaii. Molly Mesnick, who married husband Jason Mesnick from their Bachelor experience, visited Jenn and advised her to soak in all the fantasy suite time and get total clarity.

So what happened during Jenn’s three dates, who wound up in bed together, and what did Devin decide to do?

Devin and Jenn took a helicopter ride above the island of Hawaii, taking in all the beautiful sights and kissing by a waterfall. Devin expressed his intentions—to get back to work, buy a house, and have a family.

He said his fast Bachelorette relationship “made sense” and he felt secure with Jenn. The physician assistant admitted that it was hard for her to accept something good because of a troubled family life. “I want to, and I’m trying,” she told Devin. “I’m on the way there.”

Devin told cameras, “I would like to hear the big L.” Over dinner, Devin stressed, “I am very confident about how I feel about you.” Jenn praised their vibe of feeling comfortable together.

Devin told her, “I am in love and I am ready for an engagement.” Jenn said only, “I can’t tell you how much you mean to me.” She said in confessional, “I hope to be in love with Devin… I’ll know it when I know it.”

Fantasy rules have always given the series lead and her men off-camera time to talk and/or share intimacy. In unison, the two said, “Let’s do it,” when they received their suite invitation. Jenn said it would be a “magical night,” while Devin looked forward to a “talk about life” without filming.

The next morning, viewers saw them together under the covers. Jenn has previously mentioned how much she likes a sense of humor. She smirked to the cameras that her Pete Davidson lookalike, Devin, was “better than Pete Davidson in every way.”

“I love you,” Devin said as they went their separate ways. But he didn’t hear it back. “I want to know that I’m the guy,” he sighed to cameras.

Jonathon and Jenn visited food markets and shops around Hawaii, including a donut stand. After sweet treats, they talked by a waterfall. “I care about you,” Jonathon told Jenn. She replied, “I enjoy spending time with you.” They swam together in a watering hole.

Jenn wanted Jonathon to lean into his emotions. She revealed to him about how she hid her lifestyle with immigrant parents to fit in with other New Jersey kids. “Who you are is pretty great,” Jonathon reminded her. “You shouldn’t have to hide that.”

Being half white and half Black, Jonathon identified with Jenn. “I’m falling for you,” he said, kissing her.

Upon receiving their fantasy suite card, Jonathon said, “I would love to spend the night with you.” Jenn replied, “I would, too.” In confessional, Jenn revealed, “I could spend the rest of my life with this guy.” They kissed on the bed and when cameras returned the next morning, they were waking up under the covers.

“It felt natural. Everything flowed,” Jonathon told Jenn. They walked out to the waterfall with coffee cups and then toasted with champagne to “finding confidence.”

Meanwhile, Devin was brooding alone that he wasn’t getting love back. “I don’t feel like I’m No. 1,” he told cameras.

Marcus was the last to get private time with Jenn and confided in Jesse that she was ahead of his feelings. “I’m not at the point of being in love yet,” Marcus admitted. He felt it would be wrong to propose.

Over dinner, Marcus told Jenn he was nervous and had been worried about the previous hometown rose ceremony. Although he made it through, it was clear Marcus had doubts. The Army Ranger veteran who had been in foster care stressed how much he wanted to be “present” as a husband and father: “I want to feel certain about that.”

Marcus got emotional saying, “Jenn, you’re driven, you’re ambitious… I’ve never met anyone like you. I feel unsure and you deserve someone that is sure about you.” He wasn’t comfortable “saying I’m in love.” All frustrated Jenn could do was sigh. Then she put herself out there and told Marcus, “I am in love with you.”

He cried and replied, “I’m going to try as hard as I can.” Although Marcus didn’t feel “there yet,” he said, “it’s possible.” Surprisingly, they shared a fantasy suite. “It will be a really good time of growth for the two of us,” Jenn said. Marcus agreed, and they downed champagne and kissed in the suite.

Cameras returned as they cuddled in bed together. “Last night was hugely beneficial,” Marcus said. He found their suite experience “extremely special.” Wearing a bathrobe, Jenn commented to cameras, “I could see Marcus being at the end of this all… I am in love with him.”

At the end of the episode, no one went home. Cameras switched back to Devin who was struggling to tell Jesse about his breakdown. Wiping tears away, he said, “I needed to know she loves me back!”

Jesse, fearing Devin would quit the show, told him to hang on and asked, “could you really stop now?” Feeling lost, Devin decided to walk to Jenn’s hotel room, saying, “This is probably the end for me.” He knocked on her door and she opened it as the episode ended.

Viewers were left to wonder what will happen when Devin confronts Jenn and which of the three guys will go home on Tuesday night’s The Men Tell All episode?

Source: Disney