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Who Is Matt Rossi? Facts About Jenn Tran’s Ex Who Crashed ‘The Bachelorette’

Jenn Tran’s journey for love has taken an unexpected turn. On the July 29 episode of The Bachelorette, Matt Rossi, Jenn’s ex-boyfriend, made a surprise appearance in New Zealand, having traveled on his own dime to win her back.

Upon arrival, Matt was vetted by franchise host Jesse Palmer before being led to meet Jenn. Matt expressed mixed emotions, stating, “I feel both a little bit nervous, a little bit excited. We were in love, and I think a part of us will always be in love. For me, it’s just never been so strong.” He hoped that his visit would prove to Jenn just how serious he was about rekindling their relationship.

Matt began by explaining that he had skipped two weddings they were supposed to attend together because it didn’t feel right without her. “I couldn’t go to the weddings without you,” he said. “I’m not ready to let you go and get engaged without telling you that I still have really strong feelings for you, now more than ever.” When Jenn asked if he was ready to get engaged, Matt responded quickly, “I’m ready to do it.”

Jenn was left “confused” by Matt’s sudden declaration of love and questioned why he didn’t express his feelings before she left for the show. Matt admitted, “I did say it. I didn’t say it as grandly as this, I guess… I really do love you. My intentions are to be with you. I want to continue this journey together… I would love to join you to prove how much you mean to me, to express how much I still care for you.”

Jenn walked away to contemplate the situation and the impact it might have on her other suitors. “It confuses me and it breaks me out of my head a little bit. There are people here that I have really strong feelings for, and I am afraid of what it might stir up in some of these guys and how they might feel about it,” she said in a confessional. “But I also know Matt a lot better than these guys I just met a couple of weeks ago. He’s someone I care about. I have a difficult decision to make and I don’t know where my heart is pulling me.”

In a preview for the next episode, Jenn’s other suitors express their displeasure at Matt’s arrival, with one saying he’s “livid” and another calling it “not fair.” Jenn, meanwhile, seems more uncertain than ever, telling the cameras, “As much as I can see a future at the end of this, I also see a future where I end up alone.”

Who is Matt Rossi? Here’s what we know about the 27-year-old insurance executive. In a February TikTok, Matt had his dog, Kirkland, narrate the story of his relationship with Jenn. The narration described Matt as a 24-year-old living in Boston who found Jenn on a dating app. They hit it off, but Matt wasn’t ready to settle down, leading to their breakup. Years later, they remained friends. With Jenn now on The Bachelorette, Matt couldn’t just let her go.

Importantly, Matt is not the “toxic ex” Jenn has referred to during her season. Instead, he and Jenn dated three years ago for several months and reconnected as friends afterward.

Matt also has a significant social media following, boasting more than 50,000 followers on Instagram and TikTok, primarily thanks to his wiener dog. In a February podcast appearance, he shared his journey as a content creator, focusing on lifestyle and entertainment.

Beyond his online presence and insurance career, Matt has an entrepreneurial mindset. His parents, both entrepreneurs who moved to America from Italy, influenced him greatly. Despite his corporate job, Matt has always maintained his entrepreneurial spirit.

Jenn recently teased how Matt’s surprise arrival affected her journey on the show. “It’s a very pivotal moment in the journey,” she said. “It was a big moment for me that shocked me and changes the trajectory of the rest of the season.”

As the season progresses, viewers can expect several shocking moments. Jenn hinted that the ending of her season would be unexpected and exciting for viewers. While she didn’t confirm if she’s engaged, Jenn mentioned she is “very happy with the outcome” of her season.

She reflected positively on her experience, stating, “I learned so much about myself. It’s really, truly been such a journey of self-growth. I would say I found a ferocious love within myself for sure.” Jenn is eager for viewers to see her growth and how her journey unfolds.

The Bachelorette airs Mondays on ABC.

Source: ET, ABC