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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Who is Samuel Chatto, Princess Margaret’s Grandson?

You might not know this about Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, but she is quite good friends with Samuel Chatto’s mother. It may come as no surprise, then, that she has long supported Chatto’s art. When Chatto and his girlfriend, Eleanor Ekserdjian, showcased their work at The Redfern Gallery in London in July 2024, Sarah made an appearance. What’s more, she shared some pictures of Chatto’s art on her Instagram page. In the images, Sarah can be seen admiring and posing with Chatto’s pieces. 

“I believe in supporting young artists and really pushing them to show off the talent that they have to as big an audience as they can,” Sarah wrote in the caption. Referring to Chatto as “my friend,” Sarah encouraged her followers to visit the gallery. “I’d urge you to go and have a look up close at the skill and craftsmanship that goes into creating such wonderful art,” she added.

Since Chatto’s art hasn’t been publicly endorsed by any other members of the royal family, it was nice to see someone like Sarah do so. Tatler noted it was the first time the royal has posted about Chatto’s work on a public platform, but since she seems very impressed with what she saw, we can hopefully expect to see her support some of Chatto’s future exhibitions.


Source: Tatler