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Who is the first guest star of season two?

Elsbeth continues its successful guest star format as the breakout CBS sitcom heads into its second season. Enthusiastic viewers are in for a treat as Tony Award-winner Nathan Lane is set to kick off the new season’s premiere as a guest star, maintaining the series’ knack for featuring high-profile talents.

Nathan Lane is no stranger to this environment, having graced multiple episodes of The Good Wife as Clarke Hayden. His illustrious career spans voice work as Timon in the classic The Lion King (1994), a recurring role in Hulu’s popular comedy series Only Murders In The Building, and numerous other noteworthy projects.

With the primary storyline of season one, which revolves around Elsbeth spying on Captain Wagner, wrapped up, season two is poised to delve into new dynamics between Elsbeth, Wagner, and Kaya. These evolving relationships open the door to fresh mysteries waiting to unfold in New York City. The first season laid a solid foundation for intricate, potentially transformative relationships, ripe for development into strong friendships or even familial bonds.

The anticipation is high that with an extended order of twenty episodes, season two will be able to flesh out its characters and plot lines more fully. This expanded format promises not only the growth of subplot mysteries but also the opportunity for the series to maintain its engaging episodic formula that blends intriguing mysteries with light-hearted comedy. The longer season also hints at the possibility of even more guest stars making appearances.

Season one established Elsbeth as an ingeniously crafted, light-hearted mystery show. The second season holds the potential to elevate the show, balancing its comedic essence with strengthened season-long subplots, an area where its initial run fell short due to a limited number of episodes.

Elsbeth will return to CBS with its season two premiere on Thursday, October 17th at 10/9c.

Source: Culturess