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Who Survived Nights 6 and 7 of the Eliminations?

Night 6 and 7 of MasterChef: Generations continued the exciting competition among Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z, all vying for the coveted title in Season 14 of the cooking show.

Wednesday night’s episode, titled “Beer Necessities,” saw Gordon Ramsay bringing in last season’s winner, Grant Gillon, a beer expert. The challenge required the home cooks to use Blue Moon Beer in their dishes, choosing from Belgium-style wheat ale, mango wheat, or Blue Moon Light.

During the cook, Millennial contestant Michael, holding the Immunity Pin, had the unique opportunity to grant immunity to another contestant. He chose Gen Z’s Adam, explaining, “I’ve got to target the strongest competition right now and I think Adam is on route to making a winning dish that could possibly save his whole team.” Michael’s strategy paid off, as someone from Gen Z was eventually sent home.

In the second hour, episode 7 featured a team challenge where each team had to prepare a hearty lunch for workers in a rock quarry. Ramsay paired the Baby Boomers with Gen Z as the blue team and the Millennials with Gen X as the red team.

The blue team chose Rebecka as their captain, while Arthur had to convince the red team of his leadership abilities. The blue team opted for a chicken sandwich, and the red team decided on burgers.

Who Went Home on Night 6 of MasterChef Eliminations?

Fatima, 26
Queens, NY
Medical Doctor

Who Went Home on Night 7 of MasterChef Eliminations?

Arthur, 49
Malibu, CA
Ad Agency Managing Partner

Advancing contestants on MasterChef: Generations Night 6/7

Gen Z

Adam, 23
Sedalia, CO
Dude Ranch Worker

Becca, 24
Provo, UT
Customer Experience Manager

Hallie, 24
Berry, AL
Cornhole Professional Player

Murt, 27
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Commercial Real Estate


Jeet, 32
Portland, OR
Senior HR Specialist

Kamay, 34
Washington, D.C.

Michael, 27
Myrtle Beach, SC
Business Owner

Gen X

Daniela, 52
Tehachapi, CA
Reiki Master

Kimberly, 52
Auburn, CA
High School English Teacher

Baby Boomers

Horacio, 62
Nashville, TN via Brazil
Retired Auto Executive

Rebecka, 63
Castle Rock, CO
Food Blogger

Warren, 70
Neptune, NJ
Retired Flight Attendant

Who won the MasterChef: Generations “Beer Necessities” challenge?

Judges Gordon Ramsay, Joe Bastianich, and Aarón Sánchez selected the top dishes from each generation. Murt from Gen Z made beer-battered fish tacos, Kamay from Millennials presented a spice-rubbed pork chop, Arthur from Gen X served pan-seared cod, and Rebecka from Baby Boomers prepared snapper Puttanesca.

The best dish of the night was Rebecka’s, ensuring her entire Baby Boomer team was safe. She also won the Immunity Pin. “I am feeling so accomplished, so happy,” Rebecka expressed. “It’s like I put on armor, and no one can touch me. I am thrilled to save my entire team with this Immunity Pin. No one should underestimate the Boomers.”

Who was in the MasterChef: Generations bottom three this week for “Beer Necessities”?

From Gen Z, Fatima faced criticism with BBQ chicken. Representing the Millennials, Jeet’s beer-battered fish did not impress, and Daniela from Gen X struggled with beer-poached shrimp. Eventually, Fatima was sent home.

“It is a little disappointing to be eliminated but I’ve learned so much from being here,” she said. “It pushed me. It’s been amazing. I am happy that I got the chance to represent Gen Z and I’m grateful for the time that I’ve spent here and the things that I’ve learned. I’m not going to stop cooking. You’re going to see me a lot on your timeline.”

Who won the MasterChef: Generations “Quarry Field Challenge”?

Even though Gordon initially praised the red team’s sandwich, the team dynamics fell apart, enabling the blue team—Baby Boomers and Gen Z—to seize the win, particularly under Rebecka’s strong leadership.

“I feel so good about winning,” Rebecka said. “I think as captain, I did pretty well. As a Boomer to go out there and prove I could do this, it was amazing. I am so proud of my team. They did such a great job.”

Who was in the MasterChef: Generations bottom three this week for “Quarry Field Challenge”?

The red team’s loss put their captain, Arthur, at risk, as well as other members like Daniela and Jeet. Ultimately, Arthur was the one to go home.

“I did the best I could and I tried to swing for the fences on this one and, unfortunately, I missed,” he said.

MasterChef airs Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT on FOX.

Next: Meet the 20 Home Cooks Who Won a White Apron on MasterChef: Generations

Source: Fox