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Why Ballerina Farm Suddenly Has Everyone Obsessed: What to Know

Hannah and Daniel Neeleman of ‘Ballerina Farm’
Courtesy of Instagram / Ballerina Farm

Have you visited Ballerina Farm lately? With a staggering 9.3 million followers on Instagram and 8.5 million on TikTok, the original trad wife influencer, Hannah Neeleman, has recently transcended her social media fame following a controversial newspaper feature.

In a candid chat with The Sunday Times, Hannah, a 34-year-old mom of eight living on a sprawling 328-acre farm in Utah with her multimillionaire husband Daniel Neeleman, denied being a “trad wife.” However, this denial wasn’t enough to convince the masses, sparking a heated debate on the lifestyle the family showcases.

So, why is everyone suddenly fascinated with Ballerina Farm? Let’s unravel the mystery.

Hannah and Daniel Neeleman run Ballerina Farm. Hannah, a former ballerina student from the prestigious Juilliard School, shares her life on their Utah farm across various social media platforms. Her day-to-day activities include cooking, cleaning, rearing animals, and homeschooling their children—Henry, 12, Charles, 10, George, 9, Frances, 7, Lois, 5, Martha, 3, Mabel, 2, and baby Flora, 6 months. Though Hannah is a stay-at-home mom, the social media fame of Ballerina Farm has been a lucrative venture for the couple. They sell meat from their cattle, along with branded farm products like sourdough starters, beeswax candles, and rock salt.

When Hannah and Daniel met, Hannah was living an exciting city life. Daniel, the heir to the JetBlue airline fortune, either provided her with a dream rural lifestyle or, as some critics argue, stifled her independence. This backstory fuels much of the controversy surrounding the family.

The Sunday Times interview was uneventful yet revealing. Journalist Megan Agnew visited the farm but had difficulty interviewing Hannah alone. Daniel seemed to dominate conversations about farming, with Hannah appearing to seek his approval when answering questions. Declared “co-CEOs” of their family business, Hannah firmly stated, “I don’t know if I identify with the trad wife label,” emphasizing that they follow traditional male-female roles and have children but insisted they are pioneering new paths. She added they were “doing what God wants.”

This hasn’t prevented people from getting upset. Hannah disclosed that her ultimate dream was to live a glamorous city life in New York, a stark contrast to her current rural existence. “My goal was New York City,” she said, revealing she moved there at 17, dreaming of a ballerina career.


Asparagus tart! Fresh herbs, cream cheese (from goats milk) and puff pastry. So fun to make. ✨✨

♬ original sound – Ballerina Farm

Interestingly, despite their wealth, the family does not employ outside help for childcare. Though Daniel is an attentive father, Hannah is the primary caregiver and homemaker, even participating in beauty pageants shortly after Flora’s birth. This strenuous schedule leaves her understandably exhausted. Daniel admitted she sometimes takes a week off to recuperate, though it’s unclear who manages the kids during these times.

Another source of public ire involves the contradictions in their lifestyle. Their children are not allowed screens, yet their lives are highly publicized on social media. Additionally, while Hannah claims to be a simple, stay-at-home mom, she also earns a substantial income from the Ballerina Farm brand, often showcasing only the glamorous aspects of her life.

Critics are concerned that most “trad wives” don’t possess Hannah’s advantages—looks, wealth, and social media reach. Some worry that promoting this lifestyle could be oppressive for women without similar privileges. The trad wife movement is already significant on Instagram and TikTok, with Hannah at its forefront. Critics argue whether it’s acceptable for women to pursue this lifestyle, with the debate boiling down to the question of whether women can truly “have it all.”

Adding fuel to the fire, a video surfaced where Hannah received an egg apron for her birthday from Daniel, much to her evident disappointment. This situation has stirred the conversation about whether she genuinely enjoys her life or if it’s just a scripted portrayal.


❤️❤️❤️ #foryou #ballerinafarm

♬ original sound – hannal.ballerinafarm

In response to the backlash, the Neelemans seem remarkably unfazed. They continue their daily routines, and on July 28, Hannah posted an Instagram Reel of a “date night” with Daniel at their dairy. The video showcased a romantic setting, with Hannah looking stunning and the couple appearing very much in love. “It’s a world we created, and I couldn’t love it more,” Hannah concluded.

As one TikTok critic succinctly put it, “Ballerina Farm has ruined me. A talented woman with a full ride to Juilliard whose millionaire husband convinced her to give up her dreams of becoming a ballerina in NYC.” For many, this narrative feels reminiscent of a holiday Netflix movie—just playing in reverse.

Source: The Sunday Times, Instagram, TikTok