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Why Brad Pitt Faced Criticism from Alcoholics Anonymous

Actor Brad Pitt revealed that he was chastised by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) for publicly acknowledging his participation in the group. Pitt has been sober since September 2016, thanks to the AA program, and has occasionally mentioned it in interviews. Recently, he told GQ that some AA organizers were not pleased with his disclosures.

During a joint interview with George Clooney for GQ, conducted by Zach Baron, Pitt recounted that he had been open about his involvement in an all-male AA group in Los Angeles. Baron referenced their previous discussion where Pitt had reflected on masculinity and fatherhood, especially his time in AA. Pitt interrupted, saying, “Yeah, that was really cool. But you know they came down on me for that? AA did. They were like, ‘It’s anonymous.’ I was like, ‘Well yeah, but if I want to…'”

Surprised by this, Clooney remarked, “Really? You got s— for that?” Pitt responded, “I’m not outing anyone. Everyone knows you exist. What’s the issue?”

Pitt is not the first celebrity to publicly confirm membership in Alcoholics Anonymous or similar recovery programs. While it’s not entirely clear if AA disapproves of members revealing their involvement, Pitt’s experience suggests it’s a matter of discretion rather than a strict rule. Many non-famous individuals also share their AA or NA status with friends and family as part of their recovery journey.

For AA organizers, preserving celebrity anonymity might be crucial. The presence of fans or paparazzi at meetings could compromise the confidentiality of all attendees, not just the celebrities. However, no AA representatives have publicly commented on Pitt’s recent statements, so the exact reasons for the reprimand remain speculative.

This interview touched on a previous 2022 conversation with GQ where Pitt’s sobriety was a well-known fact. Pitt became sober shortly after his wife, Angelina Jolie, filed for divorce in 2016. In the same year, he openly discussed his sobriety in an interview with The New York Times. Reflecting on his journey, Pitt mentioned a “really cool men’s group” that provided privacy and security, noting that some people had been recorded while deeply personal stories were shared, which he found unacceptable.

In 2019, Pitt also opened up about his sobriety with fellow actor Anthony Hopkins, himself a recovering alcoholic. Their discussion was featured in Interview magazine, where Pitt credited Bradley Cooper for assisting him in his journey towards sobriety.

You can learn more about the Alcoholics Anonymous program and its guidelines by visiting their website.

Source: GQ, The New York Times, Interview