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Why Fans Believe Blake Lively Underwent Plastic Surgery

Objectively speaking, Blake Lively is beautiful. We’d even dare say that she’s drop-dead gorgeous. From her golden locks that everyone wants to turn into a wig out, her physique that screams gym goals, to her mega-watt smile, she’s the epitome of beauty. Sure, nobody’s perfect, but Lively comes pretty darn close—so close that some fans are convinced she’s had a little help, particularly when it comes to her face.

In 2011, Lively topped AskMen’s most desirable women in the world list, surpassing Mila Kunis, Sofia Vergara, Scarlett Johansson, and Anne Hathaway. This alone speaks volumes about her overall appeal. Still, she has her own set of insecurities, admitting in a Harper’s Bazaar interview that the photos you see of her are far from reality. “99.9 percent of the time the images are Photoshopped,” she said. “I’m guilty myself of being at a photo shoot and saying, ‘That looks terrible on me.’ And they’re like, ‘We’ll fix it.’ And you’re so relieved.”

Does that editing extend to her body, too? Lively’s never outright admitted to going under the knife, but some fans are certain she’s had some work done, especially after comparing her early career photos to more recent ones. Their verdict? The “It Ends With Us” star likely had rhinoplasty, resulting in that impeccably sculpted nose.

Let’s give credit where it’s due: Blake Lively’s transformation over the years isn’t exactly that drastic. She was a stunner back then, and she’s a stunner now. But if you ask her fans, her beauty might have had a little help from a scalpel—especially when it comes to her nose. Then again, they think whoever her surgeon was deserves a standing ovation because her nose still looks as natural as it gets.

“Her plastic surgery is the GOAT. The nose job alone is a f**kling wonder of modern science cause somehow it looks natural despite being half the size it used to be,” one Reddit user wrote, even speculating that she might have had a little work done on her chest, too. “If before and after pictures didn’t exist I honestly wouldn’t be able to clock anything but her boobs. I hope she sends her surgeon a monthly fruit basket.” Another fan also suggested that she might’ve gone under the knife more than once. “She definitely had a nose job before GG, and then pretty sure she had a second one since, as her nose is even littler/more narrow now,” they theorized.

Whatever the truth is, one thing’s for sure—fans are here for it. One person even joked, “Blake lively’s nosejob changed my life, and it wasn’t even my nose,” with another giving props to whoever her surgeon was—if there was one. “Whoever did Blake Lively nose deserves an oscar,” they said. We can’t disagree with that!

If Blake Lively has had a little surgical assistance for her glow-ups, that might be the extent of her beauty regimen. When it comes to the day-to-day, the “Gossip Girl” star isn’t exactly too keen on keeping up with high-maintenance routines. Instead, she’s all about family time and hanging out with friends—perhaps with the rest of Taylor Swift’s girl squad?

“The idea of weekly facials sounds good to some, but I’d rather spend that time with friends and family. I don’t rely on professional skin maintenance,” she shared with Beauty Crew. “In winter, I focus on hydration. In summer, I go with lighter moisturisers, and regardless of the season, I am always focused on sun protection.”

For the most part, she’d rather keep things natural so she can be a good example for her and Ryan Reynolds’ daughters. Speaking with Refinery29, she emphasized how important it is for people not to get swept up in the unrealistic beauty standards and beauty norms that Hollywood promotes. “For me, it’s important for my daughters to know that it’s not real life,” she explained. “They’re seeing me dressed up in all this hair and makeup, but they also see me without that. I want them to see both sides, because there is never just one side.”

Source: nickiswift