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Why Fans Call Amber Johnston of ‘7 Little Johnstons’ Sick

Amber Johnston has been heavily involved in the life of her granddaughter Leighton, often sharing more updates about the baby than the child’s mother, Elizabeth “Liz” Johnston. This has sparked discussions among fans of the show “7 Little Johnstons,” with some expressing concerns over Amber’s intense interest in her grandchild.

When the initial scan for Leighton took place, Trent Johnston was focused solely on whether the baby would be a little person. Both Liz and Amber expressed a strong desire for the baby to be a little person. The topic of the baby’s size and the Johnston family’s wishes for a little person baby have fueled conversations among TLC fans, particularly about Amber’s motivations.

Amber Johnston has two biological children, Jonah and Liz, and three adopted children: Alex from Korea, Emma from China, and Anna from Russia. Fans have often accused Amber of having favorites, and it seems Leighton might be her new favorite, despite not being her own baby.

Some fans anticipated tension between Liz Johnston and her mother over their respective roles with the baby. On Reddit, a “7 Little Johnstons” fan noted that Amber often speaks about Liz Johnston’s child as if she were the mother. This behavior was pointed out before Leighton was even born.

One fan on Reddit commented, “I’ve never had an average-sized baby!” This sparked a thread in which viewers criticized Amber’s behavior. Here are a few of their comments:

– “Seriously. Her behavior is sad.”
– “Imagine wishing for a grandbaby of yours to be born with a lifelong disability. She’s a horrible human.”
– “She is super sick. She’s the one that draws the distinction of LP and has insecurities about it; no one else cares. But that baby is sure gonna understand the difference between a b—ch and an overcontrolling mother. Liz is going to end up being totally hands-off because Amber’s gonna make it that way.”
– “Brice needs to grow a spine. I hope his parents don’t allow Amber to take over.”

The Reddit thread highlighted growing concerns among fans about Amber’s approach to her grandchild and her intense wish for Leighton to be a little person. Some fans found it troubling that Amber would hope for her granddaughter to potentially face lifelong challenges.

What do you think of Amber Johnston’s involvement with baby Leighton? Do you agree with the fans who believe she is overstepping and acting more like the mother? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

Source: TV Shows Ace