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Why Julie Chrisley Might Be Released From Prison Sooner Than Expected

Chrisley knows best, or at least Julie Chrisley might know how to work the system. Just two years into her prison sentence, Julie could significantly shorten her stay, thanks to a legal expert’s insights. However, the final decision rests with the court.

In 2022, Julie, her husband Todd, and their accountant Peter Tarantino were convicted on all counts from their 2019 indictment. The charges included wire fraud, conspiracy to commit bank fraud, and conspiracy to defraud the United States, as reported by NBC News. They were found guilty of defrauding financial institutions of $30 million in loans and committing tax evasion. Special Agent Keri Farley of the FBI Atlanta emphasized that “justice is blind as to your fame, your fortune, and your position.” Farley’s statement concluded that “financial crimes do not pay.”

Originally, Julie and Todd were to serve a combined 19 years, but their sentences were later reduced to Todd getting 10 years and Julie five. Now, further appeals could see Julie walking free much sooner. The court must decide if she’s less entangled in the crimes than previously thought, according to Los Angeles attorney Camron Dowlatshahi of Mills, Sadat, Dowlat LLP.

Julie Chrisley’s appeals process suggests her initial sentence might have been excessive. Although she committed fraud, the evidence for her involvement from the beginning is questionable. According to ABC News, the court “did not identify the evidence it relied on to hold Julie accountable for losses incurred before 2007, and we cannot independently find it in the record.” She is set to receive a new sentence in September 2024, potentially leading to an early release.

In an exclusive interview, attorney Camron Dowlatshahi explained the major error in Julie’s 2022 sentencing. “The first time around, the court held Chrisley accountable for the entire fraud,” he said. The mistake was in not adjusting her sentence based on her specific involvement. While the court’s final decision is pending, Dowlatshahi believes Julie’s prison stay will likely be much shorter after resentencing.

While Julie Chrisley might be on the brink of freedom, her husband Todd Chrisley isn’t as fortunate. His appeal was denied, and he must serve the remainder of his sentence, ending January 22, 2023. Julie’s potential early release does not affect Todd’s situation or their accountant, Peter Tarantino.

Camron Dowlatshahi explained that Todd’s legal team couldn’t use the same argument as Julie’s. “Todd Chrisley’s appeal has already been denied, meaning the courts judged each case separately,” he said.

Despite his circumstances, Todd is reportedly overjoyed at the possibility of Julie’s early release. Their daughter, Savannah Chrisley, shared on the “Unlocked” podcast that the family views Julie’s resentencing as a win, including Todd. “He was crying happy tears, knowing that Mom could be home,” she said. They already have plans if Julie is released early, hoping it will positively affect Todd’s and Julie’s well-being.

Source: Nicki Swift, NBC News, ABC News