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Why Julie Chrisley Refused to Show Up for Resentencing

A federal judge recently ruled that Julie Chrisley must appear in person for her resentencing hearing next month. The Chrisley Knows Best star had requested to appear remotely, but her request was denied. Here are the reasons Julie wanted to avoid appearing in court in person.

Julie Chrisley’s lawyer argued that appearing in person for the upcoming resentencing would cause her “undue physical harm.” The travel would require her to be shackled for hours and cover a long distance to reach the court.

Currently, Julie is held at FMC Lexington in Kentucky. She will need to travel to Atlanta for the court hearing. Her lawyer mentioned that officials might transfer Julie via a facility in Oklahoma City or place her in a van for a prolonged trip while shackled to ensure her appearance in court.

Additionally, the lawyer stated, “Either option would remove Ms. Chrisley from FMC Lexington for an unnecessarily extended period of time and impose undue physical hardship on her.” Prosecutors did not oppose Julie’s request. However, the judge denied the Chrisley Knows Best star’s request to appear via videoconference.

Julie Chrisley-YouTube

Judge Eleanor L. Ross ordered law enforcement to bring Julie Chrisley to court. The order read, “You are hereby commanded to have the body of Julie Chrisley by you restrained of her liberty, as it is said, by whatsoever names detained before the Honorable Eleanor L. Ross, United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.”

The order continued, stating that Julie would need to be present in the courtroom in the City of Atlanta at 10 a.m. EST on September 25. She will have to attend court each day until the resentencing is complete. The order concluded with, “Thence to be returned to the custody from which she came, and have you this writ.”

In 2022, Todd and Julie Chrisley were found guilty of tax evasion and bank fraud. Initially, Julie was sentenced to 7 years, and Todd received a 12-year sentence. Last September, their sentences were reduced to 6 and 10 years respectively.

The couple immediately appealed following their guilty verdicts. Ultimately, the United States Court of Appeals upheld their convictions but ruled there wasn’t enough evidence to hold Julie responsible for crimes before 2007. This led to the court ordering Julie to be resentenced.

Julie, Todd and Savannah Chrisley - Instagram
Instagram/Savannah Chrisley

Fans have speculated on what Julie’s resentencing might look like. Her daughter, Savannah Chrisley, remains hopeful that her mom will be home for the holidays. While many fans think she is being “delusional,” it isn’t entirely out of the realm of possibilities.

Julie Chrisley is set to be resentenced in Atlanta on September 25.

Source: TVShowsAce, YouTube, Instagram