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Why Simone Biles Is Wearing a Boot at the Olympics Closing Ceremony


After Tom Cruise repelled into the closing ceremony for the 2024 Summer Olympics, he met with Simone Biles on-stage, alongside Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass. He departed on a motorbike with the flag, continuing a tradition as the 2028 Summer Olympics will be held in Los Angeles. However, what caught the attention of many was the medical boot on Simone Biles’s leg.

Fortunately, the Games have concluded, giving Simone ample time to recover before her next appearance. Injuries are not new for the Olympic gold medalist gymnast, but the absence of a specific injury during the Games caused her medical boot to raise questions and concerns among fans.
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Before the closing ceremony, Simone was spotted with her left lower leg wrapped in an elastic bandage. This prompted curiosity, but the situation is not as severe as it appeared. Following the gymnastics event, Simone spoke with NBC about the boot and some soreness she experienced after her performance, where she won gold.

“Calf is good, just precautionary,” Simone explained regarding her boot. “Making sure—because we still have tour after this—to heal up and all of that stuff. So just a little bit of soreness.”

She emphasized that athletes are resilient, saying, “Through pain and pleasure, we’re ready for whatever,” and added, “athletes are pretty tough.”

Simone’s passing of the flag to Tom Cruise at the closing ceremony stems from tradition. As one of the USA athletes representing the United States, Simone was chosen to present the flag to Cruise, who was then seen driving through the streets of Paris with it. This gesture signifies the upcoming 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.

For those looking forward to attending the Games in Los Angeles, tickets will indeed be available. While specific details on how to enter the lottery for tickets haven’t been disclosed yet, it is expected that the lottery will open a little over a year before the Games begin.

According to Forbes, several locations in Los Angeles will host the Games, including the Arena, Inglewood’s Intuit Dome, and the L.A. Convention Center. Unlike Paris, no new structures are planned to be built for the Games in Los Angeles, as the city already has numerous stadiums and centers ready to be utilized in 2028.

Source: Forbes, NBC