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Why Tucker Carlson Believes Australia Is Being ‘Taken Away’

On Monday, Tucker Carlson concluded the seventh of a series of speeches aimed at right-wing Australian audiences. The event took place at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, marked by a prominent sign that recognized the traditional Aboriginal owners of the land, the Wurundjeri Wol Wurrung. This acknowledgment didn’t seem to align with Carlson’s rhetoric. “Anyone who tells you this is not your country plans to take it away from you,” he declared, receiving enthusiastic support from the crowd. Carlson expressed his affection for Australia, recounting his experience of holding a koala, but also warned that the country’s happiness could be its downfall if people didn’t recognize potential dangers. “The only way you could wreck a country like this is on purpose,” he stated.

The evening was overshadowed by the question: who exactly is plotting to ruin Australia and take it away? The fact that Carlson, an American, was there, suggested that similar forces might be at work in the U.S. too. He cautiously portrayed himself as a messenger from the future, warning Australians of impending disenfranchisement. “I’m here from a country that’s further down the road,” Carlson warned, referencing the negative outcomes he sees unfolding in America.

Carlson, who was fired by Fox News last year, has continued to stay in the public eye. His career has spanned decades across various platforms, including CNN, PBS, and MSNBC, before becoming a central figure on Fox News. Despite his dismissal, he has launched a new show on X and even landed an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. This interview intrigued many, though critics argued it was a missed opportunity to challenge Putin more rigorously. Carlson, known for his nationalist, anti-globalist, anti-immigration, and sometimes isolationist views, presents ideas that resonate strongly with Trump supporters. His speeches, even those given in Australia, hold significant implications for American politics.

The audience appeared certain that they were the ones at risk of losing their country. They voiced their frustration with a government that seemed to reward past patriotism with restrictions and loss of freedoms, particularly for those who opposed COVID-19 vaccinations. Mention of Professor John Skerritt, akin to America’s Anthony Fauci, provoked intense reactions from the crowd.

Clive Palmer, the mining billionaire and minor politician who facilitated Carlson’s tour, introduced him. Palmer’s speech, initially marred by technical issues, took a dramatic turn as he chronicled his battle with COVID-19 and his controversial approach to his treatment. Palmer ended with an unusual narrative about his plans to build a replica of the Titanic, an idea that would have been deemed irrelevant if proposed by someone less influential.

The event included a virtual introduction by American conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza, who presented his documentary, 2000 Mules. The film, which alleges voter fraud in the 2020 U.S. election using dubious statistical methods, received a lukewarm response from the audience, possibly reflecting a higher level of skepticism among attendees.

Carlson’s appearance, by contrast, was warmly received. Introduced as a “truth seek-ah and a truth speak-ah,” his demeanor seemed to engage the throng. Carlson captivated the audience by affirming their national pride, suggesting that Britain had much to answer for but that Australia did not bear such guilt. He highlighted the achievements of Australian settlers and the harmonious coexistence with the local fauna as points of pride.

His words contained subtle dog whistles directed against certain ethnic groups, particularly the Chinese, whom he accused of offensive behaviors such as cynophagy and organ harvesting. Carlson hinted at Australian laws against racial incitement and suggested that those currently exporting Australian resources to China had a deep-seated hatred for Australians.

Despite asserting that he wouldn’t lecture Australians on their own country, Carlson proceeded to do just that. He expressed astonishment over the high real estate prices, implying they were a result of immigration policies. He criticized current policies for making it difficult for native Australians to buy homes, attributing it solely to immigration.

Carlson’s sentiments echoed the crowd’s general feeling of disenfranchisement, but he advocated for nonviolent resistance, urging civil disobedience while cautioning against harming others. This raised broader questions about who qualifies as “we” in the populist narrative and whose children should have the right to live and thrive in Australia. The predominantly white audience at the event underscored the narrow scope of Carlson’s appeal.

Melbourne, with its diverse population, did not fit Carlson’s portrayal. The city has thrived due to immigration, which has made it a vibrant and prosperous place. Carlson’s warnings about Australia being “taken away” seemed to overlook the contributions of immigrants to the nation’s current state.

Carlson returned to America the following day, directing his sharp criticisms at President Biden and insinuating shadowy conspiracies surrounding American governance. Speculation about Carlson’s future in politics lingered, with some considering the possibility of him joining a Trump ticket. While his potential involvement could invigorate the political landscape, it speaks volumes about the state of American politics.

Source: Various