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Why Vanessa Williams Avoids Fillers and Botox

The 61-year-old singer and actress says no Botox for her.

Vanessa Williams is choosing to age naturally, shunning plastic surgery procedures to maintain her youthful appearance. Speaking exclusively to PEOPLE, the former Miss America shared her commitment to keeping needles away from her face.

“We were literally just talking about fillers, Botox, who’s had work, who hasn’t done work,” she revealed. “I have not gotten any… I don’t do fillers, I don’t do Botox anymore. I haven’t had a facelift. I use micro-current and nano-current technology, which is amazing.” Williams did confess to having tried Botox in the past, a detail she discussed on her E! True Hollywood Story.

She expressed her desire to have her appearance reflect the rich experiences of her life. “I want to look like myself,” Williams emphasized. “I want people to know this face has lived. That’s kind of where I am at this point, at 61.”

Fortunately, Williams is not alone in her natural approach to aging in Hollywood. She cited Diane von Furstenberg as an inspiration, who also embraces her age and wisdom. “I look at Diane von Furstenberg; I just watched her doc. She was talking about embracing the wisdom and the age that you are,” Williams said. “Yeah, there’s some wrinkles,” she added, “but that’s because I have sat out in the sun for too long. But I love the sun, dammit! If the sun is out, I will sit out in the sun and do my crossword and have a nice glass of wine. If that shows on my décolleté, too bad. I’m embracing my age.”

While she avoids surgical interventions, Williams is not against other health and wellness practices to feel her best inside and out. “I do bio-identical hormones. I do testosterone, progesterone and estrogen. I do sublingual drops for liver, kidney, adrenal,” she explained. “I do stem cell under my tongue as well. So I’ve got all the tricks that keep me feeling good. I kickbox, I lift weights, I cycle, I swim, I do whatever it takes. I want to stay alive.”

Source: People