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Why Voldemort Lacks a Nose: An Explanation

If you thought Voldemort appeared frightening in the “Harry Potter” films, his description in the books might give you nightmares. While the Voldemort played by Ralph Fiennes on the big screen has no nose and just a few slits for nostrils, the book version takes his terrifying appearance even further.

In the books, J.K. Rowling describes Voldemort with red eyes and a skeletal frame, his head resembling a skull. He also has unnaturally long limbs and fingers, adding to the creepiness of his character. This depiction seems more fitting for a horror film than a fantasy story for kids, but that was exactly the point.

Looking beyond the plot, the reason Voldemort lacks a nose and resembles a walking snake is linked to his use of Dark Magic, which has caused him to lose his humanity. In Western culture, snakes are often symbolic of evil. In the Bible, for instance, Satan took the form of a serpent when he tricked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit, leading to the Fall of Man. So on the surface, Voldemort’s snake-like appearance with his slitted nostrils is obviously creepy, but there’s a deeper reason behind it.

Cultural influences played a significant role in shaping Voldemort’s appearance. By giving him snake-like characteristics, Rowling ensured that her target audience would instinctively recognize the character as deeply villainous. From his unsettling eyes to his skeletal frame and elongated limbs, Voldemort’s design is crafted to induce fear and reinforce his role as the ultimate antagonist in the “Harry Potter” saga.
