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Willie Brown Plans to Sue Trump Over Helicopter Ride Claims

Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown has threatened to take legal action against former President Donald Trump after Trump recounted a helicopter ride that Brown asserts never happened. In a recent interview with CBS News, Brown expressed his outrage at Trump’s claim, emphasizing that he has never been in a helicopter with the former president.

“Somebody has got to make sure that he stops lying,” Brown stated, hinting that he may pursue a lawsuit to counteract what he described as falsehoods. “If he keeps it up, at some point, I’m going to give him a taste of his own conduct,” Brown added, noting that if Trump were to sue The New York Times for reporting on the matter, he too would take legal action.

Trump’s comments arose during a discussion about Brown’s past relationship with Vice President Kamala Harris, which dates back to the 1990s. Responding to a question on the subject, Trump claimed, “I know Willie Brown very well. In fact, I went down in a helicopter with him. We thought maybe this was the end.”

Observers noted that Trump may have confused Brown with another individual. In 2018, Trump flew over wildfire damage in California with former Governor Jerry Brown, and there were no reported issues during that flight.

Another former California State Senator, Nate Holden, suggested that Trump might have been referring to his own experience. Holden recounted a harrowing helicopter ride with Trump back in 1990 when it nearly crashed. “Willie is the short Black guy living in San Francisco,” Holden remarked, “I’m a tall Black guy living in Los Angeles.”

Brown has made it clear that he will not tolerate any untrue statements linking him to a negative portrayal, especially as it pertains to Harris. “I would absolutely sue if necessary because I do not want any acquaintanceship with Willie Brown to be a negative for anybody, particularly someone as much of a dear friend as Vice President Harris is,” Brown affirmed.

In addition to the helicopter incident, Trump also claimed that Brown expressed disdain for Harris and shared “terrible things” about her. However, Brown unequivocally denied these assertions, stating, “Not on a helicopter and not off a helicopter. Didn’t happen. Nonexistent.”

Describing Trump’s narrative as “creative,” Brown expressed disbelief at how Trump has brought him into discussions that should not detract from Harris’s achievements. When asked if Trump’s remarks stemmed from a mere confusion, Brown refuted this, characterizing Trump’s statements as “a deliberate misrepresentation for his benefit.”

“He’s trying to discredit her,” Brown elaborated, commenting on Trump’s motivations regarding his perception of Harris. “He could only think of one person that maybe he could drag into the fray as a negative for her.”

As of now, CBS News has reached out to the Trump campaign for further comment regarding these allegations and the ongoing disputes. The unfolding situation highlights the tensions between Trump and various political figures, especially as they relate to Vice President Harris and her past connections.

Brown’s strong stance could lead to a significant legal challenge if Trump continues to make claims that are not substantiated, showcasing a notable chapter in the interplay of politics and personal narratives.

Source: CBS News