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Woman Burned While Walking Dog Off-Trail in Yellowstone Thermal Area

A 60-year-old woman sustained severe burns while walking off-trail in Yellowstone National Park. The incident occurred near Old Faithful in a thermal area, where the woman accidentally stepped onto a fragile crust, leading to second-degree and third-degree burns on her leg.

According to park officials, the woman was accompanied by her husband and their dog when the unfortunate accident happened on Monday afternoon. The couple was near the Mallard Lake Trailhead when she fell through the thin crust covering the dangerously hot water beneath.

After the incident, the woman was quickly taken to a medical clinic within the park and later transported by air to a hospital for more extensive treatment of her injuries. Thankfully, her husband and dog did not suffer any harm.

In light of this incident, Yellowstone National Park officials issued reminders to visitors about the importance of staying on marked boardwalks and trails in hydrothermal areas. These regions are particularly hazardous due to the fragile ground and the presence of scalding water just beneath the surface.

Linda Veress, a spokesperson for the park, emphasized the need for visitors to follow constructed pathways. “In thermal areas, boardwalks take you to amazing places, protect the park, and keep you safe,” she stated. Veress pointed out that numerous people have faced severe injuries, or even fatalities, after leaving established trails or attempting to touch hot water.

Park officials also noted that pets are prohibited on boardwalks, hiking trails, and thermal areas to ensure safety for both animals and visitors alike.

The incident is currently under investigation, and authorities are looking into the circumstances surrounding the accident. Visitors are urged to prioritize safety while exploring the park, particularly in areas with hydrothermal activity.

Yellowstone National Park remains a popular destination, drawing hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. However, the dangers of exploring off-path remain a significant concern, prompting ongoing education and awareness efforts by park authorities.

As this incident shows, even experienced visitors should remain vigilant and adhere to safety protocols to prevent accidents in these unique and beautiful natural settings.

Source: ABC News