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Woman ‘Served’ Terms & Conditions as NFL Season Approaches: WATCH

A woman recently received a document from her husband notifying her that she will effectively be without a spouse for the next 30 days as football season approaches.

Haven Presley took to TikTok to share the “contract” her husband handed her, detailing his impending unavailability due to the upcoming football season.

“Football season is a wonderful time. We’re blessed with a limited number of Saturdays and Sundays filled with college and NFL football games. Because they’re limited, we must take full advantage in maximizing our watch time, drink and food intake, and flat out entertainment,” Presley read from the document.

In this playful contract, her husband classified himself as “the Fan” and her as “the Boss.”

The agreement specified, “The Fan shall be permitted to watch football games without causing undue disruption to the Boss’s activities, household peace and general sanity,” outlining specific viewing hours.

Moreover, he included exceptions for special events and any games involving his favorite team.

“The Fan agrees to complete all assigned chores before the commencement of any football game. This includes, but is not limited to, taking out the trash, doing the dishes, and any other task designated by the Boss,” Presley quoted.

As a reward for his completed chores, he expects a “Non-Interruption Agreement.”

“The Boss agrees to limit interruptions during critical game moments, including but not limited to the final two minutes of each half, overtime periods, and any play involving a potential scoring drive,” her husband detailed.

If she anticipates her husband’s presence during the weekends, he made sure to add an “Event Scheduling and Attendance Clause.”

“The Boss agrees to not schedule any non-emergency events or activities during the designated football viewing hours as stated in Article 2, Section 1. In case of unavoidable emergencies or pre-existing commitments, the Fan agrees to attend and fully participate with the understanding that highlights and replays can be watched later,” Presley read aloud.

Many TikTok users responded, largely siding with the husband.

“Tell your husband to send me a copy of that to show my wife,” one commenter suggested.

“Sounds fair to me,” stated another.

“Sounds like my husband,” a third said.
