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Living on a cruise ship at 32 might seem like a dream for the ultra-wealthy, but a financially savvy couple from Tennessee has made it a reality for under $10,000 in just eight months.

Teachers Monica Brzoska, 32, and Jorrell Conley, 36, met in Memphis in 2015. They fell in love with cruising after a week-long trip to Mexico, Belize, and Grand Cayman the following year.

By March 2023, after a week-long Caribbean cruise, they decided to keep booking consecutive cruises instead of returning home to Memphis.

Monica was motivated to live her dream life after her father fell ill. Her mother advised her, “Don’t wait for retirement. Follow your dreams.”

They calculated that by choosing the cheapest cabins and leveraging Carnival Cruises deals, they could cruise for eight months for under $10,000. “Accommodation, food, and entertainment would be included – we’d only need spending money,” Brzoska told The Sun. Their frequent cruises with Carnival earned them amazing offers.

Switching ships is easy as many disembark from the same ports. However, they occasionally need to fly to reach the next liner.

They quit their jobs, sold their possessions, and began their life at sea. Renting out their Memphis home helps maintain cash flow, fetching between $1200 to $1900 per month.

In their first year, they completed 36 consecutive cruises, visiting numerous destinations. They loved Japan for its culture, Greece for its history, and Iceland for its otherworldly experience.

Life on a cruise ship comes with perks like not having to cook, do laundry, or drive. There’s always entertainment, be it comedy shows or nightclubs.

Almost all costs are covered, making for a stress-free, all-inclusive lifestyle. Brzoska says this stress-free living is great for their marriage. “Without the daily stresses of life, we rarely argued. We always communicated if we needed space or more time together,” she said.

The couple ensures they have one date night a week, dressing up for a nice meal together.

This lifestyle might not be possible for everyone, but it exemplifies the importance of not waiting for retirement to live your dreams.

Upworthy has reached out to Brzoska for comment and is awaiting a response.

Source: The Sun