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Yannis & The Yaw’s ‘Lagos, Paris, London’ Honors a Late, Legendary Friend

Kit Monteith

Foals frontman Yannis Philippakis has always held a deep admiration for Fela Kuti, particularly for Tony Allen, the drummer for Kuti’s Africa 70. Philippakis eagerly embraced the chance to collaborate with Allen when the opportunity presented itself in 2016. Over time, their mutual love for music blossomed into regular jam sessions that stretched from dusk till dawn, fuelled by whiskey and shared records.

When Tony Allen passed away at the age of 79 in April 2020, Philippakis felt a strong urge to complete the project they had started together. Thus, under the name Yannis & The Yaw, their collaboration has culminated in the EP Lagos Paris London, a collection derived from their various recording sessions. This EP is a vibrant mix of Afrobeats, funk, and indie rock, embodying the legacy of one of the greatest drummers ever.

As the release of the EP approaches this Friday, Philippakis engaged in a Q&A session with Uproxx, touching on various topics such as Jai Paul, gardening, and his admiration for Geordie Greep.

What are four words you would use to describe your music?

Searching, intense, beautiful, true.

Who’s the person who has most inspired your work, and why?

My father.

Where did you eat the best meal of your life and what was it?

Chupa Chups at the Chupa Chups Factory.

Tell us about the best concert you’ve ever attended.

I dunno about best but Jai Paul was a recent highlight.

What song never fails to make you emotional?

“Horses In My Dreams” by PJ Harvey.

What’s the last thing you Googled?

Best pub walk in Somerset.

Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever crashed while on tour?

A pool table in a squat in Liverpool.

What’s one piece of advice you’d go back in time to give to your 18-year-old self?

Do your thing but maybe lose the lip ring.

What’s one of your hidden talents?


If you had a million dollars to donate to charity, what cause would you support and why?

Mental health services in the UK.

You are throwing a music festival. Give us the dream lineup of 5 artists that will perform with you and the location it would be held.

Under the Acropolis in Athens:

Tony Allen

Wu-Tang Clan

Arthur Russell

Steve Reich


What is your pre-show ritual?

Listening to music, warming up, drinking, watching boxing matches.

What is your biggest fear?


It’s 2050 and the world hasn’t ended and people are still listening to your music. How would you like it to be remembered?

With the utmost reverence.

What’s your favorite city in the world to perform and what’s the city you hope to perform in for the first time?

I love playing in London where even the kebabs sing along. I’d love to play in Dubai for a chic sheikh who’ll bury us in Bugattis.

What are your thoughts about AI and the future of music?

I say bring it on you deep fake dillweeds.

Who’s your favorite person to follow on social media?

Geordie Greep.

What’s the story behind your first or favorite tattoo?

I got an octopus in my arm in Osaka. It was frequented by Yakuza and the guy translating was on speed. It took 10 hours.

Who was your first celebrity crush?

Neve Campbell in Party Of Five.

You have a month off and the resources to take a dream vacation. Where are you going and who is coming with you?

I’m going to the Pampas in Argentina and you’re not invited.

Lagos Paris London is out 8/30 via Transgressive Records.

Source: Uproxx