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Ye Suggests Beyoncé Should Allow Jay-Z to Sleep With Other Women

In an interview from 2022, Ye shared a rather controversial opinion about Beyoncé’s relationship with Jay-Z, suggesting that she should allow him to sleep with other women.

On August 7, 2022, Candace Owens uploaded a YouTube interview with Ye that initially took place in October 2022. During their conversation, they touched upon who Ye believes is the greatest rapper in hip-hop. Ye acknowledged that Drake is statistically the best artist, while Jay-Z is the best rhymer with a notable positive impact on the music industry. He then offered a suggestion on how Beyoncé could help Jay-Z unwind after a hard day’s work.

“I just think ’Yoncé need to let him go get some p**sy, seriously,” Ye commented roughly halfway through the video during their discussion. “Go to the DR [Dominican Republic] or something, like, you know what I mean?”

Following this comment, Owens asked Ye to elaborate on his relationship with Jay-Z. Known to be both good friends and collaborators on their Watch the Throne album, Ye compared their friendship to that of firefighters willing to face danger to rescue those in need.

“I just think like, man, it’s like Jay-Z is like the head, head, head, you know. We’re under the fire and we’re the firefighters,” Ye explained. “But in order to be a good firefighter, you got to be willing to run into that fire and that’s what makes me the number one firefighter. That’s what makes me Michael because I’ll run into that fire. Everyone knows that I’ll run into that fire for the people in the burning building.”

Over the years, Ye and Jay-Z’s friendship has experienced ups and downs. A notable rift occurred in 2014 when Jay-Z and Beyoncé did not attend Ye and Kim Kardashian’s wedding. By 2016, Ye voiced his disappointment with Jay-Z for not reaching out to him during a rant at his Saint Pablo tour in Sacramento, California. Jay-Z supposedly responded with veiled lyrics in his track “Kill Jay Z.”

Ye briefly addressed their friendship again in December 2023, expressing frustration at the lack of support from Jay-Z, Drake, Adidas, and others during his Vultures event in Las Vegas. “Who you think the old man call? When we put Drake on stage, who you think the old man call? You know what I’m saying?” started Ye’s rant, venting about the lack of support he received from various people, including Jay-Z.

“Ni**a, just ’cause I had a car, ni**a. F**k everybody, ni**a. That’s what I’m trying to say to you ni**as right f**king now, ni**a. Drake, this is what you been waiting for. Jay-Z, this is what you been waiting for. Adidas, this is what you been waiting for. Kim, this is what you been waiting for.”

Check out the interviews to hear more about Ye’s thoughts on Jay-Z and Beyoncė.

Source: newsbreak, town square media, YouTube.