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You Don’t Have to Be a Rock Star to Injure Your Voice

Even those who don’t perform hit songs like “Love in an Elevator” can experience voice issues, say experts in Atlanta.

Aerosmith’s lead singer Steven Tyler, famous for his impressive vocal range spanning over five decades, recently announced that the group would retire from touring due to significant damage to his voice.

Tyler, aged 76, reportedly injured his vocal cords during a September concert. The injury turned out to be more severe than initially anticipated, involving a fractured larynx in addition to vocal cord damage.

Though Tyler’s injuries are rare, other voice issues commonly occur from overusing vocal cords, according to voice specialists from The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

The vocal cords are two muscular bands in the voice box responsible for producing sound and helping us breathe and swallow safely, explains the Cleveland Clinic.

Teachers, coaches, religious leaders, politicians, and other public speakers frequently strain their vocal cords. Medical professionals stress the importance of resting and taking precautions to protect the voice.

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association estimates that around 9 million adults, approximately 4%, report experiencing voice problems lasting a week or longer.

Those who regularly use their voices are at risk of injury but are less likely to sustain severe damage like a fractured larynx, notes Robert Andrews, an ENT specialist at the Atlanta Institute for ENT. Andrews, who has treated professional singers, mentions that most individuals, even in speaking careers, rarely push their voices to extreme levels.

Although he didn’t treat Tyler, Andrews points out that larynx fractures are uncommon and usually result from neck trauma caused by sports or motor vehicle accidents.

Andrews is more likely to encounter noncancerous lesions or growths caused by repeated overuse, leading to inflammation or injury to a blood vessel in the vocal cords.

He explains that the vocal cords vibrate to produce sound and are located in a small area where they can be injured by repeated pressure and tension from overuse. This often occurs when someone uses their voice beyond their normal range for activities such as singing, yelling, or talking over noise in crowded environments.

Even professional singers are aware of the risks posed by performing multiple demanding songs in a row and incorporate recovery time between sets, he adds.

For a strained voice, Andrews recommends hydration, mucus thinners, and rest as effective remedies.

He also mentions that illnesses, allergies, and conditions like acid reflux can irritate the vocal cords, leading to voice issues.

Early signs of vocal problems include hoarseness and discomfort when speaking. At this stage, it’s advisable to see a primary care physician or an ENT specialist for treatment, which could range from medication to surgery in severe cases.

An ENT might also refer the patient to a speech-language pathologist, who will teach voice care techniques similar to how physical therapists handle bones and muscles. Andrews emphasizes that behavioral therapy is crucial for achieving a good outcome.

Saralyn Gamble, a speech-language pathologist with Piedmont Augusta, adds that the goal is to prevent the need for surgery for patients with developing growths caused by vocal strain. Her work involves teaching breathing techniques and voice usage to ensure the vocal cords do not come together too hard. This guidance also aims to prevent future growths.

Symptoms such as hoarseness, throat pain, total voice loss, or changes in voice quality should prompt individuals to seek professional advice, says Gamble.

Gamble and Andrews offer these practical tips for safeguarding your voice:

How to protect your voice

Stay hydrated.

Incorporate rest periods of at least 5 to 10 minutes, longer for serious injuries.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol, or drink extra water to maintain moisture in the throat and vocal cords.

Refrain from smoking cigarettes or marijuana as they cause coughing and irritate the vocal cords.

Use a microphone to amplify your voice and prevent vocal strain.

Take mucus thinners or cough suppressants if illness affects your voice.

Use antihistamines if allergies cause vocal swelling or inflammation.

If acid reflux is an issue, change your eating habits, use an acid inhibitor, or raise your head while sleeping.

Source: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Cleveland Clinic, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association