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YouTube Star Dies at 35 After Rare Cancer Diagnosis

YouTube star and British influencer Luke Goodwin has died after a two-year battle with cancer. He was 35.

Goodwin’s wife, Beckey, shared the heartbreaking update in a video posted on his YouTube channel on August 4th. She began by noting that it was a video she “never wanted” to record, but added that it was her husband’s request that she do so.

“Luke did, sadly, pass away on the 2nd of August, peacefully,” Beckey confirmed in the video. She explained that she and his parents were by his side at their home when he passed. “Luke is at peace now. He’s not in any pain,” she added.

Luke Goodwin was diagnosed in August 2022 with a rare type of cancer called leiomyosarcoma. This aggressive cancer targeted his liver, lungs, and lymph nodes. Upon diagnosis, doctors informed him the disease was terminal and initially estimated he had about a year to live. By October 2023, this prognosis was shortened to mere months, and by June 2024, doctors estimated he had only weeks left, according to his YouTube channel.

The father of two was open about his battle with cancer on social media. He used his YouTube channel to provide updates on his health struggles and progress, amassing more than 7,500 subscribers. He had also garnered over 3,500 followers on Instagram who followed his heartfelt and honest journey.

A few days after his death, Beckey provided an update on how she and their children were coping. She mentioned that they were “doing good,” a sentiment she believed her husband would have wanted for them. Beckey also affirmed that Goodwin’s legacy would continue through their children.

“It’s still rather raw, at the minute, but you’ve got to keep your head strong. That’s what Luke would say. It is what it is,” she stated.

Beckey took a moment to express gratitude towards Goodwin’s “absolutely amazing” followers, many of whom had become friends over time. She then shared a heartfelt message in memory of her late husband.

“I just wanted to say, Luke—he was an amazing person,” Beckey said. “He really was. He’s shown me how to be strong, even when you’re going through the toughest times.”

Source: multiple sources